Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Found Lost

Over the Christmas break, my family got addicted to the phenomenon that is Lost. In just under two weeks, we were able to finish the first two seasons. We stayed up late almost every night watching Lost, our record was 6 episodes in one day. Last night/early this morning, we finished season two.

But now, comes the real problem. Season four starts in a couple weeks on TV. So, we have to watch one more season to be caught up. School is also starting, so I don't think we can stay up so late watching season three. But the main problem, is how we will get the episodes. At Hollywood video store, for $10 a month, we can rent an unlimited amount of movies that aren't "hot", basically ones that aren't new releases. The dilemma, season three of lost is "hot". So, we can either wait two weeks for it to no longer be hot, and have to cram before season 4 starts on TV, or pay money to rent them. Another issue would arise. The complete season 3 DVD boxed set can be purchased for a little over $30 dollars, the price it would cost to rent each of the 6 disks individually. While I am not sure which of these options is the best, I am definitely hooked to this amazing show.


Justine said...

Season 3 is starting to get monotonous. The 1st season is the best. (In my opinion.)

AJ said...

Good news danny I know where you can watch season three for FREE!, just go to abc, or nbc and you can watch lost over the internet. Problem solved!

Danny said...

Yes AJ, I thought of that right after I posted. Although, watching a choppy version on a small screen is not quite the same, but a good/free option.

AJ said...

its what I am doing to catch up.