Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Extra Explanation Encouraged

Today, was another snow day. Even though there was twice as much snow on the ground, the college was on regular time today. Actually, by the time I got to Olympia, there was hardly a trace of snow on the ground. Classes were okay today, I took my second Spanish quiz. Ever since I got home, I have had to work on a big project due tomorrow. It is supposed to be about an autobiography of Fred Thompson, but I couldn't find one so I had to improvise.

Speaking of which, I hate it when projects are not explained hardly at all, and the deadline just sneaks up on. Case in point, this project. Last class, a week ago tomorrow, our teacher said to not forget our presidential bios were due. I had basically forgotten about this project. Oh, and also don't forget we have an essay midterm next class. And one last thing, you should be through chapter 6 in your textbook.

Basically, I had done nothing towards any of these major things. I read all weekend, and studied hard for the midterm. Then it snowed, and class was cancelled that day. So now, I think we are doing that tomorrow. But our reports were due tomorrow, but since we didn't have class, are they still due? Speaking of which, what are we supposed to do on these papers. The syllabus contains exactly one sentence about this report basically saying you have to do one. Okay, but what exactly is it supposed to include, how long, formatting, etc? End rant, I feel better now. I think I am a little low on sleep and high on things to do. Wait, have a high amount of things to do.

I really don't like when things are so vague. Maybe it is intentional. Some people work better with looser guidelines. I on the other hand, really like stricter ones. It lets me know what is expected, and what to do. I also sort of put this project off because I didn't know what to do, this wasn't a very good idea. It means I have to throw something together, and stay up late tonight doing so. Overall though, I am pretty happy with what I have done, I just hope it is what the teacher wanted.

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