Friday, January 11, 2008

Running Revelation

Today was a rather productive day of sorts. I got a few requirements out of the way for a scholarship I need to submit by Tuesday, a deadline which is quickly approaching. I also found time to jog around 5 miles, and walk around 3.

During this process of jogging, I stumbled, not literally, into quite a revelation about life. You see, I walked to the trail I was running at, so when I was done running, I would have to walk home. This was very demoralizing. If I ran until I could run no more, I would still have to muster up the energy to walk the near mile home. Also, I didn't have any water with me, I would also have to wait to rehydrate myself. And if that wasn't bad enough, there were various forms of water all around. Snow left on the ground, huge puddles of water, but nothing to quench my thirst. I seriously contemplated laying down in a huge puddle, but didn't want to walk home completely drenched.

It was in this dehydrated and exhausted state, somewhere on my way home after the tempting puddle, that I realized something. Without motivation, incentives, or a purpose, it is hard to accomplish anything. Knowing I was no where closer to water or home when I finished running, it was hard to run at all. In general, the same can be said for people. They need to strive for something, have a bigger purpose to live for. Whatever it is, people need it, and without it, it can be hard to feel like accomplishing anything.

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