Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pressing Pressure

For part of today, I was in a bit of a foul mood. I think it may have to do with the mounting stress from: approaching deadlines for scholarship and college applications, all the random and time consuming projects I need to complete in order to graduate, challenge of coordinating graduating from high school and college at the same time, and taking challenging college classes.

I just feel so much pressure weighing me down, consuming my life, eating away at me. I have all these things I need to do, and even when I am not working on these things, I feel like I should be and therefore I am never completely relaxed. And the decisions I have to make are extremely difficult, potentially life changing. Where do I want to go to college? How will I afford it? What do I want to major in? What do I want to do for the rest of my life? These are not easy questions to answer, especially when you are under the gun in trying to answer them.

So, back to being in a foul mood. With all these pressures dragging me down, I was unnecessarily rude with my family. I just need to try and relax, but more importantly, not take out my frustration on others. It pains me to see how my actions caused others to react, and how I was the reason for the animosity. I need to not bottle up my frustrations, or take out my frustrations on a ketchup bottle. I was not angry, just feeling majorly over whelmed, and being short on food and sleep didn't help. I am sorry to the family members I was a pain to, and I can and will do better.


Mary said...

We love you, Dan. And you're the bigger man for knowing when you're out of line. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

So many times I feel the same way. I even realize it when I'm snapping at my family but I don't do anything to stop it. It's knowing that God can change my anger and help my family to forgive me for my frankness that helps motivate me to try harder and let it out on that ketchup bottle so to speak.

-Sarah Deakins