Thursday, January 17, 2008

Enjoyable Day

Today was a rather busy day. With not having class until 1:15pm, I played pickleball. Overall, I had a really great pickleball day, and was on the top of my game. There were several close games I was apart of, all of which my team won. Then I went home, got ready for school and ate lunch.

My Spanish class was okay today. I found out I got a perfect score on my first Spanish vocab quiz, this was a little shocking. That was the main highlight though, after that stuff got rather confusing. We were learning about participles, direct object nouns, direct object pronouns and such. This stuff can be confusing in English, which is only multiplied when learned in another language.

After Spanish, I came home and went jogging. Then I went to the store and bought supplies for making taco salad. I returned home, cooked dinner, and then ate it. I also plan to watch a movie tonight. Overall, it was a busy day, but a very enjoyable one.


Mary said...

You forgot to say you made dinner for the whole family. It was very good. Thanks, Bud.

Anonymous said...

Danny, Glad you are including PB in your busy schedule. G-pa is happy to be back with his buddies down here. You can share stories when we get home. You're a great kid! G-ma