Friday, August 24, 2007

Wacky Wallet Waiting Room

Today, my uncle, cousin, brother and I went to turn in the wallet he found in the lake yesterday to the police. This was not as easy a task as was first thought. First, we went down to the police station. They told us that with the wallet being found out of the city, it was the sheriff's problem. So, we found out that the sheriff's office was down at the courthouse, and headed over there. We went in the courthouse doors, and were suddenly surrounded by jurors. We asked where the sheriff's office was, and went to it. My cousin gave them the information about the wallet, and was told he had to wait for a deputy to document the situation. We waited on a bench surrounded by jurors. Some people asked if we were jurors. Later, the bailiff came by and asked if we were witnesses waiting to testify in a trial. After around 30 minutes, the officer finally came and got the wallet. It was a long wait, but we were doing the right thing. I just wish I had my dad's old juror button during the wait.


.justin said...

i love paying taxes for this.

money well spent.

i'd vote AJ Foster 4 Mayor!

Anonymous said...

what about harrison and dad


Danny said...

Nate, you're right. It has been changed.