Thursday, August 16, 2007

futuRe AddiTion

My youngest sister has decided she wants a new pet. At first, she wanted a puppy. My parents told her that would be too much work and we already have two dogs. Then she decided she wanted a Guinea pig. My parents said she had to wait until all her siblings were at college. She then kept asking us if we were going to go to college, and how long it would take for us to got. My parents then decided she could get one for her birthday. After a little cajoling from me, she changed her mind about the Guinea pig. She now wants a pet rat. We are both excited for the new pet, and are in the preliminary stages of searching for one. She just doesn't need to keep making food for it.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Is that what the baggie of shredded carrots is in the fridge?