Sunday, August 19, 2007

Not Out, It's Still a Hit

I had almost forgotten just how much I love baseball. My love for the game was revived after my trip to the Mariners game (see account of game here). But today, it was quite literally thrown back into a full-fledged love affair.

My cousin from California is here for our family reunion. He just finished his first year of little league, and loves the game. Playing catch with him in the dark last night brought back memories of my little league days oh so long ago. Too long ago.

I remember the game I struck out the side, the game I got hit in the side. The game I hit a kid in the head, and the baseball tryouts a popup hit me on the head. I remember the one game my team won, and the ten we lost. I remember the All star team I made one year, and the two years I didn't. My first at bat, which also happened to be my first time hit by a pitch. I remember hitting a triple and getting cheers, I remember not laying down a bunt and getting jeers. All these memories came rushing back to me today, and I suddenly missed the sport I stopped playing oh so long ago.

I had a lot of fun playing baseball today. I didn't even mind when my aunt hit a line drive off my shoulder. I'm glad it was only a tennis ball. I am saddened I no longer play the glorious game of baseball, but glad I have a cousin who loves the game as much as I did and still do.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I miss those days too. It was fun to cheer you on. One highlight was the year my cousin Cathy visited from Canada and sat in the bleachers with us.