Monday, August 27, 2007

Boring Jobs: With Your Host Danny Lofthus

In my life, I've done a lot of boring jobs. But, the job I did today was one of the most boring jobs I have ever had the honor of doing. I was shampooing the carpets at the school my father works at. Oh, why is this boring you may ask. Well, I'll tell you. First of all, you move excruciatingly slow. The machine is pulled slowly, and you have to go over each section three times. It is also doing only a foot width of the carpet at a time. The machine is loud. Eventually, the fumes start to get to your head, literally. I did this job for over two and a half hours, and only finished one classroom. The good news, I was helping out the school, making it look better, and earning a little bit of dough. The bad news, there are still, I believe, seven classrooms to go.


anita said...

You could try and find a discman or ipod or some such thing and listen to music while you makes it go SO much faster!

Danny said...

True, very true. I had an iPod nano, but I gave it to my brother the other day to take to college. It was missed yesterday. I have yet to find/buy its replacement.

Anonymous said...

It really helps when you have someone to talk to and run the water bucket to cut down on down time and make things less dull. The fumes are pretty bad after a while.