Tuesday, August 21, 2007

More Slumber, Less Party Please

Last night, it was time for a cousin slumber party. We were out at my grandparent's house, and decided it would be fun to have a sleep over. All seven of us cousins were sleeping in one room with grandpa. We started laying out the beds. This was no simple task. This person wanted to be by this person, who wanted to be by this person ect. There were also prime sleeping spots with more padding. Even after everyone was settled in, we were still not close to falling asleep.

It was now time for all the cousins to talk. At first the talk was fun and joyful, then eventually everyone was telling everyone else to go to sleep. While all this was happening, Grandpa was fast asleep. It was thought that with it being so late, the youngest cousins would fall asleep the fastest. This was not the case at all. The youngest cousin, at four years old, stayed up the latest talking the whole time. Eventually, everyone fell asleep.

In the morning, a good breakfast was fixed. Overall, it was a fun experience, and a good memory made with cousins. Hopefully, my mosquito bites will stop itching soon. I also learned a few things. When sleeping in a sleeping bag, to quote my brother, "I'd rather be a taco than a burrito." This is very true. I also learned when having a slumber party, there is a lot more party than slumber.

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