Monday, February 4, 2008

Perfect Placement

Today my father and I went on a road trip. We were buying some doors from someone off craigslist. We got the 5 nice, solid white doors. On the way back, we stopped for dinner. Across the street was the largest gym I had ever seen. It was two stories tall. Countless people could be seen on treadmills through the windows. What where they looking out at? Was it a body of water, rolling hills, the city skyline? No, it was a Wendy's. I can't even imagine running on a treadmill staring out at Wendy's the whole time. I mean I would be salivating over a hamburger and frosty the whole time. I wonder if the gym was built first, or the Wendy's. I did go into one of these places tonight, and it wasn't to exercise.

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