Saturday, September 15, 2007

Trip OverCast Back to Reality

I am back in Shelton. I arrived tonight. While I am happy to be back home, I already miss LA. I really had a great time there, and can't wait to go back. Hopefully next time, my family can also go.

The trip to the plane didn't start out very good. Out of the blue, I suddenly realized I left my cell phone charger plugged in the wall at their house. Thankfully, my uncle was gracious enough to run back to the house to pick it up for me. Other than that though, everything went smoothly. After passing the shoe test, I waved goodbye to my cousins and finished going through security. I got a little bit worried because the plane was supposed to start loading at 3:01, and it was 3:25, and I was still waiting. But finally, I did get on the plane.

I sat in 22A, a window seat. In the isle, an empty seat away from me was a very old lady. The only words we exchanged were when I was sitting down, and when she wanted me to help her open her complementary bag of pretzels. Even then, not many words were exchanged. I had fun looking out the window. Going over California, it was interesting to look at all the small cars, roads, houses, and countless swimming pools.

I knew we had arrived in Washington, because all the sudden there were clouds everywhere. It looked spectacular. We were way above the clouds, and the cloud layer was so thick, I couldn't even see the ground. All I saw was miles of puffy white clouds of varying sizes and elevations. It was amazing. It looked like something from another planet. Going through the cloud layer looked cool out the window, but was rather turbulent. The only part of the plane ride that wasn't so great was my stomach. I had a a little bit of cramping and gas. Is that normal at 40,000 feet? I don't know. Maybe it was my last meal of In N' Out working its way out. I am not sure. I feel sorry for the old lady sitting by me, well, I don't really think she noticed anything.

On the plane ride, the people in front of me liked the trees in Seattle. They were amazed at the amount, and said they wanted to move here. They also talked about the "big lake" with all the boats on it. It was actually Puget Sound. When I arrived in Seattle, I was happy to finally be "home". It was 65 degrees, overcast, and felt like it could start raining. That's about when I knew I was no longer in California. I had almost forgotten what clouds were.

Now, I had to get my checked in bag. I followed the signs to the baggage area. When I got there, it was crazy. There were people everywhere, and these large metal spinning things with luggage on it. The problem, there were multiple large metal spinning things, and I didn't know which one my luggage was at. After about 20-30 minutes, I finally found my bag. Thanks grandpa and Sarah for coming to pick me up. As I approached Shelton, there were these large lights in the sky. I thought maybe I was seeing things. I wasn't though. They were those spinning search light things events use. It was almost symbolic of my trip home, why, I don't know. When I got home, a cake was waiting for me. Oh wait, that was for my sister's birthday. Today is my sister and brother's birthday. Happy Birthday Harrison and Gabby.


Mary said...

That cake was for you AND your little sister. I made the chocolate cake that is your favorite in honor of your return. Welcome home!

anita said...

The lights were at the Pavilion...for a Chamber of Commerce dinner, appropriately themed "Hollywood"!

Anonymous said...

i wish i was with you.waaaaaa!


Anonymous said...

We really enjoy you blog. You are a great writer. Your plane ride took my memory on some of the many miles we have travelled over the years. Welcome home. Give our love to the fmily.
Great Uncle Norm