Monday, September 10, 2007

Zoo Trip, a Howling Good Time

Today, I slept in for the first time this trip. Well, maybe not slept in for the first time, but slept in as much as I would at home for the first time. I got up at 11:30am. Why, I don't know, but it did feel good to get some extra sleep.

Once I was finally up, and the kids were home from an early release at school, we went on an outing. We went to the Los Angeles Zoo. It was a fun trip. My favorite animal was probably the Orangutan. They were so smart. One of the orangutans had a bag outside the cage it was able to reach to get it's food from. He kept reaching into the bag and pulling out different foods. He ate a piece of corn and was able to spin it in his mouth to just eat the corn and not the cob. He also had some biscuit looking things he gathered in one hand and slowly ate one at a time. Actually, I guess he didn't eat them, because later he spit them all into his hand. A zoo keeper threw him a slice of apple and he caught it with his hand. He was very coordinated and smart. My cousin joked he should sign up for the Yankees. There was also a younger orangutan that was swinging up on ropes through the cage. They were fun to watch, and we spent the most time watching them.

The Chimpanzees also were quite entertaining to watch. We were told they were going to be fed, so we went to a place where we had a good view of where they were going to eat. They were funny. They were making loud noises, chasing each other, banging on doors, and in general just causing chaos. It was quite fun to watch.

Other highlights included the elephant bobble head, a elephant that constantly bobbled its head. Also, a large spider. Oh, of course you'll see large spiders at the zoo, no big deal. Well, this spider was not at Spider City. It was outside, near the bear cages. A wild spider. It was the biggest spider I have ever seen in the wild. It was amazing, and first spotted by my 4 year old cousin. The petting zoo was also a hit. The snoring goat was funny. There was also a fat pig that reminded me of my dog, Cinder. One of the coolest parts of the zoo was not an animal or exhibit. It was misting stations. It was quite literally the coolest part of the zoo. It was a nice way to cool down from the heat.

Other animals viewed included the flamingos, alligator, kangaroo, koala, komodo dragon, lion, tiger, bear, oh my, hippo, giraffe, and rhino. It was a fun trip. After that we stopped by Costco for part one of our three part meal. Next, we stopped by an Indian restaurant. Lastly, we had some Cuban food. It was all delicious. Now, I am going to go to bed. Hopefully, I'll wake up before 11:30 tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Promise me you won't bring any spider souvenirs home!