Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Back to School: Both at Home and Abroad

Today, I didn't even really notice the heat. That isn't to say it wasn't there, it just is finally becoming bearable and livable. It was a transition day, it is my cousin's last day of summer. My uncle already started teaching.

My oldest cousin and I watched Godzilla while the others were gone. We then went to my cousin's school for an ice cream social. It was fun because it was an ice cream van, and you could ask for anything you wanted. I just wish I was allowed seconds. My aunt was selling some school shirts there. After that, we came home and ordered Pizza Hut for dinner. We had a little picnic on the front lawn. We also helped my uncle clean out his old car, he found a $20 bill in the ashtray. After that, the cousins have been getting ready for their first day of school. I saw some birds fly by, no big deal, but then I thought they looked green. I thought that maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. Later, I was told that they are a flock of wild parrots. They number up to 30, and are quite loud and obnoxious.

Today, I wished I could have been there for my sister's and dad's first day of school. My dad is my sister's teacher. I've been told everything went smoothly. We will have to take our annual "first" day of school picture in front of the garage when I get back. I am not super excited for my first day of school, but I think I shall enjoy getting back into the school routine.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I've never heard of wild parrots. Tonight your little sister and I heard a flock of Canadian geese go by. It was dark so we only heard them. Maybe they were parrots imitating honking geese.