Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Merging Madness

Today, I was driving around, a lot. I drove to Olympia, not just to Olympia, but all around it. No big deal. I will soon be taking my drivers test, and am not too worried about it. Something interesting did happen though when I was merging on the freeway. First of all, the speed limit was 70 on this stretch, so cars were moving fast. Secondly, the cars didn't seem to want to let me in. I sped up, and squeezed in between two cars. It was fine. Then, I saw flashing lights behind me. The car behind me looked like an ambulance, and was flashing it's headlights at me. Can an ambulance pull you over? I was worried for a little bit. When they eventually passed me, I saw it was a construction company in an old ambulance. I guess they were mad at me. And no, ambulances can't pull you over, especially construction companies using one.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Thanks for all the running around. In one day you did favors for your mother, your sister, your grandmother, and your great-grandfather. Did I leave anyone out? You're the man, Dan!
