Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Prize Pizza

Today, I went to my sister's soccer game. She played good, she even scored a goal. Her team won 6 to 0. We decided to stay for part of the varsity game. I thought you had to pay 5 bucks each to get into the game, but they never collected the money. Whether I was lucky, beat the system, or they weren't collecting money, I don't know.

A lady for the home team handed out a booklet. I glanced through it, and felt like throwing it away. All it had was stuff about the other team. The lady said to hang on to it, so I thought something might be up. At halftime, she announced the person with a sticker on Dirty Dave's Pizza won a free pizza. Not only that, it was a giant pizza. Yeah, the winner was me. Just goes to show you never know when you might win a free dinner. I hope I win the Deal or No Deal million dollar case game.

1 comment:

AJ said...

nice danny nice, it always cool to win.