Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Awesome Observatory

Today, I didn't wake up any earlier than yesterday. It wasn't my fault though, the clock in the room says the wrong time, so I didn't know I was sleeping in so late. This afternoon, I watched Hawaii-Five-O, an old favorite of mine. I used to watch it all the time until the channel stopped airing it. Book em Dano! When all the cousins got home, we washed the family van. It looks a lot better. I not sure if I believe the saying though many hands lighten than the load or quicken it, or however that saying goes.

Tonight, we went to the Griffith Park Observatory. The other day, when I said I had the best view of LA, I'll admit it, I lied. Tonight I had the best view of LA. It was spectacular, smog and all. It was especially breathtaking at night when you can see the lights. It seemed to me like one of those places everyone needs to go in their life at least once. The actual observatory was neat also. The Tesla coil was a hit. It was funny watching the tour guide do Frankenstein impersonations as electricity flowed through the machine, it was also a bit scary. It was nice of one of the museum people to give our group a private viewing after some of the group missed the scheduled presentation. Other highlights included destroying earth on the create your own asteroid machine, and making earthquakes on the seismograph machine by all jumping in the air. They also had the coolest periodic table of the elements I had ever seen, it had most the elements, and showed what they look like. My cousin was disappointed they didn't have plutonium.

The telescopes themselves were also impressive. I got to look into the most looked into telescope in the world, or was it the US, I don't remember. I was busy thinking about all the "finger oil" that must be on it. It was pointed towards Jupiter. You could even see 3 of it's moons. I hurried out to see a (insert large space term here) on a satellite. It basically is when the sun reflects off a satellite, I think I saw it, so obviously it wasn't that amazing. I also looked through another telescope and saw something I am too tired to remember the name of, and a cluster of over a million stars. It was impressive, but not as impressive of the nerd talk of the people running the telescopes. I really loved the trip to the observatory, it had a breathtaking view, and really cool exhibits. It was also free because we walked the half mile up the hill to the observatory instead of riding the bus.

On the walk back down, we saw a large frog. We also saw a deer. I know that is not very impressive to people back home where a deer sighting is an everyday experience, but in the heart of LA, that is something you don't see everyday. Well, okay it wasn't the heart of LA, but still, I think you get the point. On the ride home, I saw the nicest car I have seen here in LA. It was a Lamborghini. My uncle tried to catch up to it, but it turned on an off ramp before we could reach it. We still got a really good view of it. The trip to the observatory was worth the walk uphill, way worth it. I think everyone should have the honor of seeing LA from up at the observatory, especially at night. I heard someone asking what the cloudy layer above LA was, they were such tourist. I hope I blend in better than that.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Do you remember when we went to the Griffith Observatory when our family went to LA? It was during the daytime so we missed that spectatular view. That picture you linked to was amazing!