Friday, March 7, 2008

Having a Cow

Today was an eventful day. I went to a rummage sale with my mother. You know it is a serious sale when there are people lined up outside to get in. I wasn't very impressed with the sale though. I like to look for bizarre things, wooden statues, random memorabilia, metal objects, none of which the sale had.

I did find a funny looking cow figurine. It was in a bag with some little sheep. I thought my little sister might appreciate it, so I decided to buy it. When we were buying the stuff, the cashier paused when she came to the cow. It was unit pricing, and everything else had been 25 cents or 50 cents. She held on to the cow for a long time, and finally said a dollar. This was a lot more than the other, nicer things. I thought this was strange, she then said it had been her cow. That explained the hesitation and higher price.

I then went to my father's class to help with a science experiment. He had told them they were having a scientist come in to conduct the experiment. I think they were disappointed when I showed up, they didn't think I was a real scientist. But they are right, I am no Bill Nye. It was a lesson on water tension. I tried to illustrate what a water molecule looks like, but I think that whole concept is a little above second graders. The experiment went well. It was floating paperclips on water. Which yes, they can float.

I then went with my father's class to Skateland. Last time we went, my little sister was sick. It was nice she actually got to skate this time. It was her first time skating. I tried to teach, protect, and help her balance all at the same time. A rather difficuly job. She only fell badly once, and by the end of the day was starting to get the hang of it.

For dinner tonight, my grandparents came over. We had a great meal of calazone, probably my favorite meal. It was a nice time with family, and a nice end to a eventful day. It ends on a bitter-sweet note though. Tomorrow I have another of my all day computer classes, the bitter part. It is the last of these classes I need to take, the sweet part.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Sounds like Gabby was learning a little quicker than Nathan. Last time, he pretty much refused to skate anywhere but on the carpet without clinging to me. It sounds like this time, he was too afraid to do much skating at all.
I'm glad Gabby was finally able to participate.