Friday, March 14, 2008

Foul Territory

Today was one of those days I wish I could have back. I basically wasted it away, not getting much accomplished. For some reason, I was in a rather foul mood all day. Maybe it still has to do with the time change. I woke up at what I thought was 8:30am, so I decided to go back to sleep. I forgot I had boycotted spring forward so my 8:30am was really 9:30am. It just threw my whole morning off.

Even though I wasted today, my father made my day. Or maybe even my week or month. He went to a charity event for the Pregnancy Care Center, a nonprofit organization he volunteers for. They had a silent auction where they sold Mariners tickets. My dad got a set of four tickets for $30. The value of these tickets is over $175. The seats are in the lower level, 7 rows from the field. There is a good chance a foul ball will be hit in this area. I can't wait to go to the game. I guess good things happen to those who wait, and who have nice fathers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Oh My! What a deal.
And of course your Father desires for you to have a happy heart, too. I don't know if you prayed about Him working out the ticket situation, but you can note it as a fantastic blessing.