Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays

It seems to me, just a few years back, saying Merry Christmas wasn't a big deal. Now, to be "politically correct" one must say Happy Holidays. It seems every company uses this slogan to not be culturally unacceptable.

I don't have anything against Happy Holidays. It acknowledges a bunch of different holidays, and can be us all the way from Thanksgiving to New Years. It focuses more on a season of Holidays, not just one.

But, it seems it has evolved to where it is no longer appropriate to say Merry Christmas. Almost no company says Merry Christmas, I don't remember this being the case when I was younger. Maybe I was deceived or naive, but I remember places and people saying Merry Christmas. I don't even think Happy Holidays had even been "invented" a couple years ago.

I think a balance should be found between the two. I am not a militant pro Merry Christmas anti Happy Holidays supporter. I just think it is a little ridiculous in trying not to "offend" a very small percentage of the population, you bother a larger percentage of people. I mean, I even see Santas saying Happy Holidays. This is more offensive than Santa just saying Merry Christmas. I mean, if you were going to be offended by Merry Christmas, wouldn't you also be offended by Santa Claus? I just think this issue has blown out of proportion. It should still be okay to say Merry Christmas if one wants or Happy Holidays. People should have the right to chose, not have it chosen for them by society.


Eric said...

I agree. It seems like political correctness has invaded every aspect of our lives, but it becomes painfully obvious near Christmastime.

There are still some that resist. I have gotten a Merry Christmas from a few stores that I've been in recently, and they weren't little privately owned stores, either.

Nate said...

I tend to agree, but this year I have heard Merry Christmas more this year than in the past 5 years. I think the current trend is that overdone political correctness is actually on the decline.