Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Done, Done, and Done

Today was an important day. I had my senior project presentation today. This whole project has been weighing me down for a period of over a year. Today I hopefully ended that chapter of my life, assuming I passed my speech. It was a bit hectic the past few days, weeks, and months meeting all the requirements for this project.

I also mailed off my last scholarship application for the year today. It took me several days to fill out the entire form, not only because it was a long form with four essays to write, but because I have been so busy with other stuff.

I finally decided tonight was the night she would be created. For my Theater of War class, we had to do a project. The requirements were purposefully vague and left the students very flexible. I thought it would be fun, challenging, and meaningful to construct the Statue of Liberty out of plastic army men.

I didn't know it would be so hard to find them. In the end, I had to settle for some cheaper plastic ones than the 'original ones' I remember from my childhood. I spent forever searching in stores and online for them.

It took hours to construct her. Not only that, but I got burned by the hot glue gun far too many times. Although she didn't turn out quite as planned, I am fairly happy with the finished product. I am even more happy and relived that today, and all of its requirements, are over with.

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