Saturday, May 31, 2008

4th of Julyish on the 31st of May

Today was rather interesting. It started off rather boring though, as I had 3 chapters to read in my science textbook, and then an online test to take. After over 4 hours of environmental science, it was time for something fun. I can only handle so much global warming and save the animals stuff in one sitting. Even though it wasn't super warm outside, my siblings and I went swimming. It was fun, especially with a new raft/platform floating thing we bought.

Our city is having its annual event known as the Forest Festival. Every year they have a parade and firework show. I think I've only been to the parade once. The firework show is about a 1.2 miles from my house, and I have gone the past 3 years. The first year we parked so close to the action, scraps of flaming cardboard were raining down on us. Last year, my siblings and I walked to the show. We stood about as close to the fireworks as one could "safely" be. We were probably less than 50 feet away from where they were firing. Right in front of us were guys semi-in charge of the show wearing hardhats, all that separated us from them (and the fireworks) was a chain link fence.

This year, we were a bit further away from the action. Further away, but much higher up. We were in the high school grandstands. It was neat because we were elevated above the field, and the fireworks were exploding closer to our eye level. The brighter fireworks would illuminate the hoards of people gathered everywhere. It was about as good a view as a person could get. There was just the right amount of wind to blow the smoke away so it didn't block the view of the fireworks. After the finale, people were yelling, cars were honking, and the man next to me was yelling USA repeatedly, it was great. It was an entertaining show, it rivals nearly any 4th of July fireworks show.

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