Sunday, October 7, 2007

Costco Food Court Etiquette Revisited

Today, there was a rather bizarre occurrence at Costco. Now, most of my readers, whomever you are, will probably not remember a previous post. It was my second post of all time, and maybe one of the most profound. It also is one of the more controversial. Click here to read it. Basically, I said I didn't agree with reserving tables at the Costco food court.

Now, maybe I should elaborate. I don't agree with saving tables when it is crowded, and you perpetuate the problem. Today, my grandma was reserving a table for our group. It was not crowded, and was no big deal. Or so I thought.

Apparently, someone had tried to save the table she was sitting at by parking their cart next to it. Okay, that is bogus. Have you ever been to the food court? Everyone parks their carts next to the row of outside tables. I guess the lady got mad my grandma "stole" her table even though there were plenty of other tables. I guess I need to add one thing to my Costco food court rant, no saving tables with carts left in the general vicinity. That is crazy. And absolutely no smack talking at my g-ma.


Mary said...

I have a question. Do you think you could bring a non-fat hot latte home next time?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Danny. I will try to be more observant next time.