Saturday, October 6, 2007

Responsible For Lost or Stolen Things and People

Today, some very strange things happened. So strange, you may find them hard to believe. But let me tell you, they did happen, but yes, they were strange.

After feeding some friends cats while they are on vacation, we decided to find a spot I could practice parallel parking. That is the decision that sparked the inevitable event. Instead of turning left toward home, we went right. On any other day, this would have been no big deal. Besides, they live on a large loop, both ways lead towards our house. But this was no ordinary day.

Anyways, I was driving when I saw him. It was a man curled in the fetal position, by a power pole, in the rain. A very strange sight indeed. We decided to go back by, and see if he was okay. It looked like he was dead, no joke. We pulled over, and my dad went out to check on the limp figure.

The following, is what I saw from the car. My dad approached the man, yet he still didn't move. I thought for sure he was dead. All the sudden, the man bolts to life. My father and him have a discussion for what seems 5 minutes. During this discussion, the man gets up. Well, he tried. My dad had to brace him from falling over, and set him back down on the ground. I then see the man offering what looks like some money to my dad. Finally, as he is heading back to the car, the man hands my dad an object.

By now, I had no clue what was going on. My dad gets back to the car, and explains what happened. Apparently, the guy was passed out, and surprised by my father. He has been lying there for an unknown amount of time. He had tried to go to a lady friends house, but she had wanted nothing to do with him. All he knew is he lived on the Indian Reservation. And his name was Louis. He was able to tell this to my dad in a rather "out of it" way. He didn't know exactly where he lived, but all he wanted was a ride home. He had offered money to my dad for some reason. My dad said he would give him a ride, but first wanted to know if he had any weapons. He slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out a switch blade, said "I don't want to hurt anybody", and slowly handed it to my dad.

My dad told him to wait where he was. He was going to drop my youngest sister off at home, and return in a few minutes to pick him up. Neither of us had our cellphones with us, and even then, did it warrant a 911 call? We stopped by the house and dropped my sister off. When my dad was trying to explain the situation, my mom worriedly said, "is he here?". It was funny.

Now, is when it really got strange. We returned to the spot. The man was gone. It had only been 10 minutes. The mans black case was still lying where it had been when we left him. We looked inside for maybe some ID, all it had was some music cds and deodorant. We were very confused. Where had the man gone? And how could he have gone anywhere in his drunken stupor? And why did he leave his belongings?

We drove all around. We saw a van stop by where the man had been. Were they looking for him? We followed the car. I felt like a private investigator. The car stopped at a house and the lady left, she apparently had nothing to do with our missing man case. We continued to drive around. Suddenly, a police car with lights went by. I thought for a second they were pulling us over, I guess I felt like I was doing something illegal, following cars around, picking up other peoples cases, looking for a drunken man, and so on. So, we followed the police car. Sure enough, it led us to our friend Louis. There he was with an ambulance, a medic SUV, and two sheriff cars. He had somehow managed to make it about a 1/2 mile away. He was literally across from the house where I was feeding the cats where we decided to make that fateful right turn. We handed the switchblade to a medic person, and told them our story. He said, "okay". I was disappointed, I thought he would at least take down our names, and our story.

In the end, we had just been trying to be good citizens. It felt weird/illegal to be driving around looking for a drunken man, guarding his switchblade. Thankfully, nobody was hurt. I think our reviving him is the catalyst that sparked him to flee the scene. Why he left I'll never know. He probably didn't even know what he was doing or where he was going, he'll probaly never know/remeber. All I do know, is that he must have really been booking it to make it as far as he did. Thinking back, the smartest thing would have been to call the police. He could have needed medical attention. It was all just quite bizarre. When we got home, we tricked my mom again. We opened the door and asked if she had any plans for dinner, "Louis is hungry." We were just joking, although, I don't think she thought it was very funny.

This could have been the end to a rather strange day, but it wasn't. Early that day, my mom had found a twin mattress at local thrift store at the 1/2 price Saturday sale. Usually, I would have to say gross to such a find. But it was a nice, clean, comfortable mattress for a really good price. Besides, it is for my sister. My mom had been looking high and low for weeks for a twin mattress for my sister's new bunk bed.

My dad and I went to pick it up. We looked all around for it at the store, but it was gone. Apparently, it had been stolen. It said sold all over it, so nearest as we can tell someone acted as if they were the person picking it up, or took off the sold sticker and purchased it for themselves. As I said earlier, it was that nice of a mattress. I was dumbfounded. How does someone basically shoplift a twin mattress, with box springs I might add? With all that time taken up by the whole Louis situation, someone had time to jack our bed. To quote my dad, "I hope they get a good nights sleep tonight". We were refunded our money if that is any consolation.

Today has just been a bizarre day. It has hard to put into words just how strange it was. I think I am going to go to bed right now before anything else strange can happen.

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