Friday, October 19, 2007

Figure Eating Too Much

Today was a great day. First off, I drove to school. Always exciting, well, not too exciting. Then, in Spanish, we had a fun day. It reminded me of elementary school all over again. We listened to music, and played along with different Spanish instruments. At the end of class, our teacher had an enormous amount and variety of candy she was giving away. I'm not sure why she was, but oh well, it was very nice of her.

Wow, what an exciting day, and it only gets better. My friend had a birthday a while back, and to celebrate it, he invited us on an adventure. Why was it an adventure? Well anytime you take someone ice skating who had never gone before, it is is an adventure. But first, we went out for dinner. This was not your ordinary dinner either. It was a semi-fancy Mexican restaurant. You know, the kind of place where they bring you a plate of chips, and beans and salsa before you even order. I was happy with that. I thought we should just leave and not even order anything.

I did order something though, a double burrito meal. Now, ordinarily I would have no problem consuming two burritos. But tonight was different. First off, I was so impressed with the chips, and especially the beans, that I was stuffing myself on them. Literally, and when I found out if you emptied the plate before the meal they would refill it, I kicked it into overdrive. Lets just say by the time my meal finally arrived, I wasn't very hungry. But the meal, oh the meal! It was amazing. It was two of the biggest burritos I had ever seen, surrounded by rice and beans, covered in gooey cheese. Glorious. I tried my best to eat all of it, but I just couldn't. Well, I probably could of, but my sister reminded me that our next stop was the ice rink. I stopped just before the point of no return, thankfully. I think everyone involved is thankful that I did.

We got to the ice rink. Now, I was the only one who had never gone skating before. How was I supposed to know you shouldn't wear shorts? I mean, come on. The managerish guy offered me a helmet, but I didn't think I would need one, maybe I looked like I needed one. Actually, I thought I might, but wanted to try at first without one. What was I thinking? I didn't need a helmet. I was half Wayne Gretzky half Michelle Kwan out there. I was amazing. I could do figure-0's, jump in the air, skate backwards, the list goes on. One of my favorite "tricks" as I like to call my moves, was the power slide. Basically, it is a nice way of saying falling down on purpose at incredibly high speeds. I would get up as much speed as I could, and slide as far as I could. It was fun. According to my sister, one time I fell on accident. I don't remember this, and don't think it happened. Point of this story, I was pretty decent at ice skating, especially considering it was my first time.

Today was a really fun day. I even learned a few lesson along the way. One, that Mexican restaurant was good, too good. Another lesson, do not stuff yourself before you are going to go ice skating. And lastly, unless you want to look like an oaf, don't wear shorts and a tee shirt to the skating rink.

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