Thursday, October 18, 2007

Monopolizing My Life

It pains me to admit it, yet it is true. I did get sucked in to the McDonald's Monopoly Game, but it was only for a day and a half. I know, it is sad. I rarely go to McDonalds, but I did the other day. I got some of the game pieces, and was amazed I only needed one more piece to get a million dollars, or 10,000 dollars. Just saying it now, I hear how foolish I was. Anyways, the next day, my sister went to collect the free McFlurry she had won. Then, I thought of something genius. I would buy a few things, get a few more pieces, and win a lot of dough. I was going to beat them at their own game. Sadly, I didn't get any of the pieces I needed. This is when it very slowly started to dawn on me, how hard is it to get these pieces?

I wasn't ready to give up yet. I had a great idea, I would look on craigslist. Turns out, everyone was also looking for the same pieces. How could this be? I know, I'll look on eBay. On eBay, I could buy a word document that would tell me the secret to getting lots of free game pieces. No, I didn't want to buy this. This lead me to look at just what the odds were for getting these hard to find pieces. I found a site that says only 3 winning tickets for the hard to find million dollar pieces are printed. Three in the entire world! How am I going to get that piece when millions of people stuff themselves at McDonalds everyday? Odds are the person who finds that piece isn't going to know its value and throw it away, or not even peel the piece of the package. The moral of this pathetic story, I hate McDonalds. But, if you have any extra monopoly game pieces, I need them for the online game. I'm serious. Please.

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