Monday, November 19, 2007

Sad Salmon Cycle

Today, I went with my father and his class on a field trip. They went to see the salmon spawning before they die in a creek. Rather interesting experience, lots of fish. Some were alive, most weren't.

Rather pathetic lives those fish live. Out of the three thousand eggs that are fertilized, only two will make it back to the stream they were born to continue the process. The rest are eaten by birds as eggs or as small fish, or eaten by other fish on the way to the sea, or even bigger fish once they get in the sea. After three years, on the way back, many of them don't make it. They die on the way, they get stuck in shallow water, or caught by a predator. And those that do make it, they die eventually anyway. Today I learned a good lesson, be glad you aren't a fish.


Anonymous said...

My take on the field trip was that I found the life cycle of the salmon to be facinating and amazing. The fact that these fish travel literally thousands of miles from their birthplace to the Aleutians and are still able to make it back home to their spawning ground is a wonder of God's design. However, I too am glad you are not a fish.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Danny, I'm also glad you aren't a fish. Isn't God's plan wonderful? What an amazing story about those traveling fish!