Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rogerian Beast

Today, I had an essay due in my writing class. So far, I am really enjoying this class. In this class, Writing 102, we have been focusing on different styles of argumentative writing. The newest style, Rogerian. In this style, you really try to sympathise with your audience. It is best to use with really hostile readers. My essay was on the hazards of iPods. Maybe I shall post on this topic sometime. For now, I am glad my essay is done, and was pretty happy with how it turned out. I shall have to wait to see what grade I got though to tell you just how happy I am with it.


.justin said...

please don't let other people [teachers, "THE MAN"] determine how you feel about your works of art/writing/etc.

i know that's not what you mean, but i did want to interject as we christians tend to base our experiences and thoughts off of what other people think.

ie "rated R" movies are bad.
passion of the christ was rater R.
i don't want the MPAA to tell me what is "good" or "bad".

i appreciate your blog writing.

Danny said...

I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps I should clarify. I am happy with the essay itself, I will be unhappy with myself if it gets a bad grade for a reason such as not following/meeting the criteria.

Yet a distinction should be made between the two, I don't care what "the man" thinks, he doesn't decide whether I am proud of my work. He does however at times make me wish I wrote in a way that earned a better score. Thanks for the comment.

AJ said...

I would like to read your essay danny you should post it.