Thursday, November 15, 2007

Big Bad Bus

Today, I had to ride the bus home again. This usually isn't terrible, but today came pretty close. Let me explain. I get done with my classes at 10:52am. I then ride a bus done to the Olympia transit station, this takes around 10 minutes. Then I wait until 11:30ish to catch a bus from Olympia to Shelton. The bus is supposed to drop me off downtown at 12:20pm. Today was different.

Everything was going according to schedule. In 10 minutes I would finally be free of the bus, and "home" in Shelton. Not today. There was a major accident. We got stuck in traffic for a long time. Lots of cars were turning around to go an alternate route, but not our bus. Nope, we sat there forever. Let me put it this way, people got off the bus to walk the near mile to the next stop. Other people got off the bus for a smoke break. The whole time I was hungry for my lunch, and on top of that, had to go to the bathroom. Eventually, I got home though. I had spent two hours on a bus I had waited 30 minutes to catch to get 7 minutes away from my home, and a grand total of 30 minutes away (if you drive straight to the college from my house).

It could have been worse though, way worse. I could have been in that accident, or had a friend or family member who was. I hope nobody was seriously injured in the accident. So what is a few hours on the bus compared to my life? Well, the answer is obvious, but still, spending two hours on a bus is no cup of tea (especially when you have to go pee).


Justine said...

It's good that you're very optimistic. By the way, I've never asked for your consent before I linked your blog from mine. I'm sorry. If you don't mind, please let me know.

Justine said...

Sorry. I meant, if you DO mind, please let me know and I'll unlink it. :)