Sunday, November 4, 2007

Lasting Letter

Today, I got a letter that was written to me 18 years ago. It said, " To Daniel, not to be opened until you can understand it." Why did I have to wait until I was 18, would I have not understood it before. Well, basically it got lost, so it was just found today. Still stapled shut after 18 years. Wow, that is not your everyday occurrence, nor will it probably ever happen to me again.


Justine said...

If you don't mind me asking, who was it from? And what about? If you do mind, I'm sorry for asking.

Danny said...

No, I don't mind. It was written when my parents were dorm parents in Taiwan. It was written by my dorm "sister" Sarah when I was a baby. It talks about life, and what I was like as a baby. It is bizarre to think the person who wrote it is now over 30 years old.

Justine said...

Thanks. Yeah, bizarre but cryptic -in a good way. That's awesome. Thanks again.