Friday, November 30, 2007

No Deal

A couple months ago, I went to a taping of Deal or no Deal. (read all about it here) It was an interesting experience, and it finally aired tonight. It was much more exciting watching it on TV. In person, it wasn't as excited when it took several hours to tape, you couldn't always hear what people were saying, see everything clearly, and were basically forced to clap when they told you to. It was completely different watching it on TV.

I kept waiting to see myself wildly cheering in the stands on national TV, but it never really happened. Several times, I saw what I thought may have been half my body, or where I was seated. I probably was on TV, but just such a small speck in the audience I couldn't clearly notice myself. Isn't this how life goes though? One small speck in the sea of other spectators. A little bit disappointing, but not completely unexpected.

1 comment:

Eric said...

In response to your comment about being a little dot in the crowd, I heard a statistic once that said 50% of the U.S. population have been on tv in some manner or another. It's not the same as being in a live television audience, but it's interresting to think about.