Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Today: a day of firsts

Today was a glorious day. It all started with pickle ball with gramps this morning. I played the best I have ever played, and had a great time. Gramps and I had one game where the other team didn't even score or get a chance to serve the ball. It was the first day I felt I had the skills to battle any of the old men, and win.

The next first came when I was cleaning out the backyard of a house. I saw a live cockroach, a big one. It was right here in Washington. I feared for my life in that backyard. It reminded me of a fair (Da Vinci Days in Corvallis, OR) where I held a foot-long African hissing centipede. Its legs, lots of them, felt like velcro crawling across my arm. It was a rather unique feeling. I was having a good time but I decided to stop when its master told me, "if Joey gets scared he will excrete a yellow fluid on your arm." Thankfully, there was no excreting of yellow fluids, but I decided I had held Joey for long enough.

Finally, the last first of the day was when I decided to try out a local gym. I signed up for a free one week trial. We shall see how it goes.

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