Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cheap Entertainment

This day and age it is hard for most people my age to be entertained. They need to be plugged into their xbox or playstation, while listing to an iPod, and texting on a phone. My brother and I have found a much cheaper and more rewarding form of entertainment. It involves aluminum foil, lots of it. We are making a large solid ball of foil. It currently is the size of a volleyball.

A brief side note: aluminum foil is the technical name, it used to be called tin foil, but in the 1910's they switched to aluminum foil because tin altered the foods flavor.

I've never had the newest video game console, all I have is a Nintendo 64, and I play it once a year when my cousin comes to town. Yet, I don't feel like I am missing out. I would much rather make a large aluminum ball.

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