Thursday, July 26, 2007

One Uppity

Yesterday, my sister got home from a mission trip to Mexico. I was glad she was home, she had been gone for two weeks. I must admit though, I got a little bit jealous. All her stories were way better than mine. (Actual conversation) "So Sarah, I went on a fishing trip in Oregon while you were gone." Her reply, "Danny, I was here for that." Later, "Me and Harrison saw a live cockroach today." Reply, "In Mexico I held a large tarantula... you knew when it was going to bite you because it would raise up its front legs." On and on this went. She even has a great story about being attacked by cacti, lots of cacti. For a while, I was rather tired of her one uppity, but then it struck me that I should be glad she had such a great experience and made it home safely.

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