Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lesson Learned

Today I made a rather costly mistake. Or maybe to be more precise, the past few days I made a mistake. My senior notebook was due today.

The deadline snuck up on me. I didn't know it was a huge deal to have it completely done, so I just didn't really think about it the past few days. And with not thinking about it, of course I didn't work on it.

When I got home from school today, I thought I had plenty of time to finish it and turn it in before the deadline. I had majorly underestimated the time it would take to finish. Not only that, I underestimated the importance this little notebook has. My printer started to run low on ink, things weren't printing, and more things than I thought needed to be done. With things not working out, I thought I would just turn it in tomorrow.

Turns out, this thing has to be turned in today. As in, I can't walk at graduation if it isn't turned in today. I found this out at 4:32pm, a good two hours after school is out, and near hour past the deadline. I was given instructions to find anyone I could at the high school to sign this, as in go start knocking on windows and doors until I find someone.

Thankfully, I was able to turn it in. There is still a chance that because I didn't have a form signed, it won't count as being completed. Hopefully, it won't ban me from walking at graduation. I did however learn a big lesson, don't procrastinate, underestimate, or assume things.

I believe this is the first time I have ever missed a deadline in my academic life on anything. There was one time I forgot to do math homework in the 7th grade, but I was able to finish most of it before class started. I guess I chose the wrong time to tempt fate. As my little sister said, "you should have tested not turning homework in the 1st grade." I wholeheartedly agree. Your senior notebook that needs to be turned in to walk at graduation is not the time to experiment with not turning stuff in.

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