Tuesday, April 29, 2008

In the Clear

Today I finally decided enough is enough. It was time to get out of the fuzz and into the clear. Yes, I bought a new DVD player. Several months ago, we got a great deal on a new HDTV. The only problem, we never upgraded our DVD player. This meant although our TV was capable of playing at a certain level, our DVD player could not play anywhere near that level. It made things not nearly as clear as they could have been.

So, after some research, I got a new upconverter DVD player. It was a great price, and I went home to set it up. The only problem, I guess I didn't do enough research. It turns out there is a special cable that didn't come with the DVD player. A special cable as in 24 karat gold plated connector and over $10 a foot cable. It took a little bit of the joy away having to spend almost as much on the cable as the DVD player itself. But after the first test run/movie watching experiment tonight, it was definitely worth it.

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