Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bright Day

Today was a glorious day. For the first time in months, the temperature was above 75 degrees. It was nice, it almost felt like summer. I went to my grandparents house and did some yard work. My sister and I did part of our weekend janitorial duties. I also played basketball with my sisters for quite a while, it was a productive day.

My little sister found a lizard in our backyard. We caught it and it is currently in a container on our front porch. When I was mowing at my grandparents, right after I finished, I found a baby bird in the grass. Thankfully, it wasn't there a minute sooner or it would be no more.

Both the animals and people were out in force today. The sun has a healing and rejuvenating quality, it seemed to brighten up my day.

(Photo by Sarah)

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