Monday, April 6, 2009

Not Missing Monday

Today I thought I was going to be at a scholarship luncheon in Seattle. Therefore, I thought I could do my reading homework for today on the bus to and from Seattle as I was going to have to miss my class anyway.

Late last night, I figured out the luncheon is next Monday. That meant I was not going to miss class today. The next couple hours late last night were spent finishing my reading homework. It was not fun reading page after page about the difference in 19th century crop yields in China compared to England, especially so late at night.

Today I had my 8:00am jogging class today, so I had to get up early. In my jogging class, new students in the class had to fill out paperwork, so only five minutes of the class were actually spent jogging. Then in my political science class I stayed up late finishing the readings for, we didn't even talk about the readings at all. I was so tired this afternoon, I spent several hours of it napping. I also started the Wednesday readings for my political science class, another 50 pages on the differing crop yields of China and England.

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