Saturday, June 14, 2008

Third Trampolined Try

Today we bought a new trampoline. We had a trampoline given to us a year or two ago. It was a lot of fun until it ripped in half. Then, a couple weeks ago, we bought a new one off craigslist. It wasn't very good or even very safe.

So today, we went to the store and bought a new one. It didn't fit in the trunk of our car, but it fit across the backseats. The only problem was that there were three of us, so I had to end up sitting/laying down on the trampoline on the way home. After a bit of a mess up, we were able to get it setup. It works great, and it is nice to have a working trampoline again.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I'm glad we didn't pay much for the second trampoline. And I'm thankful we're only two miles from the store so you only lived on the edge for a couple minutes. Have a bouncy, trouncy, (scratch that last one, Tigger) summer!
