Sunday, October 19, 2008

Best of Both Worlds

Today started out glorious. I had a soccer game at 10:00am. My team played quite well, and we won 5-0. I then decided to go to the rec center. When I got there, I saw some people playing pickleball. I felt like crying; I was so happy. I went over, and played a game. I didn't even care that I lost 21-5. Then, I went and relaxed in the hot tub.

After that, the day was a little less glorious. I worked on homework for a while. Then I had a three hour meeting for a group project. The only thing worse than a three hour group meeting is one in which you don't get much accomplished and know you have another group meeting tomorrow night, the day before the project is due, starting at 9:00pm. I can't wait.

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