Thursday, April 15, 2010

Game On

Today I went running before my first class. I've really liked trying to be more productive with my time in the morning before I have classes. I got back my first Economics quiz today. I scored a bit higher than the class average and overall did fairly well on it. Tomorrow I should find out how I did on my first psychology test. Hopefully that went well too.

We had an interesting experiment in my game theory class today. There were 34 of us in the class. Our professor gave each of us a piece of paper and we could either choose 5 points or 1 point of extra credit towards our midterm. The catch was that if over 7 people chose 5 points, then nobody would get any. Turns out, half the class chose the five points so nobody ended up getting any. I'm not going to lie, I was one of the people who picked 5 points. I went back and forth on which to choose, and felt a bit bad for being so self interested, but I guess it didn't really matter which is what I figured would happen. It would have been sweet to get 5 extra points towards my midterm though.

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