Monday, February 8, 2010

Lost Monday

Today I had my midterm in political geography. I studied quite a bit yesterday, and while I didn't feel great about the test, I was just ready to take it and get it over with. Over half the points on the exam came from multiple choice questions. I am not a huge fan of multiple choice, especially when it seems the questions are designed to trick you. Every questions had none of the above as an answer, which seems like more of a cop out than an answer. There were 15 locations we had to identify on the world map, but the map was so small it was hard to clearly distinguish exactly where things were. Overall, I feel like I didn't do quite as well as I hoped on the test, but didn't feel like I did terribly either. Maybe I'll be surprised in a good way. I'm just glad to have it out of the way.

I have use of a car this week, so I tried for the second time to go to the department of licensing office to get my enhanced drivers license. I got lost on my way there and on my way back, even though I have been there before. I finally found the place but they are closed on Mondays.

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