Friday, May 1, 2009

Draft Day

Today I planned to meet with my professor to discuss my paper, or more appropriately, my lack there of. I waited over an hour and a half outside her office for her to finish talking to other people about their papers.

I was about to miss lunch, so I had to decide between talking to my professor about my essay or eating. Not surprisingly, I chose lunch. I left before talking to my professor. However, during the time I spent waiting, I was able to have a few miniature breakthroughs. The time wasn't all for naught.

After lunch, I got to work on a third draft of my essay. After several hours, I had a draft. Although I am not as happy with this draft as the first one, it does a much better job fulfilling the criteria. At this point, I am just happy to have a draft, period.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hooray for breakthroughs! I usually get mine just before I fall asleep or while I'm in the shower. Or driving. Keep up the good work.