Monday, March 14, 2016

It's Pi Day!

I like math. I like pie. So of course today is a favorite of mine. I have been trying to eat healthier, so this is one of the first years in recent history I have passed on eating at least a portion of a pie if not the majority of one.

There are healthier pie options, but those mainly serve to remind you how good the unhealthy pies are. You might think this lack of dessert consumption would have put too substantial an obstacle on my ability to enjoy this special day. Well, you would be wrong!

It is not easy to try to eat healthier, so it is rewarding to succeed at that on a day as difficult as this to abstain from the round goodness. I also got a backdated raise at work, so that was most excellent. This Pi Day will be remembered as the one I got dough in my bank account, not baked into a delicious pie and stuffed in my face.


Rachel said...

Congrats on your raise and your self discipline! Happy Pi Day!

Also, I really look forward to reading more of your posts!

Dear Sarah said...

Great post Danny! Pops