Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Without being plugged in to recharge, our beloved cellphones run out of juice. I feel like we humans are the exact opposite. We occasionally need to unplug in order to recharge. Conveniently, this chance to unplug coincided with being on a vacation at a mountain lodge where I didn't have great reception. I decided to unplug, and spent the weekend recharging.

I like being connected and informed, but noticed I felt more relaxed not constantly checking my phone for any potential updates. I'm not even quite sure what I am constantly checking for in the first place. It was refreshing. It was needed. I hunger for something my feed doesn't provide. I can choose to get my substance from other sources, starting with the people around me.

Let's unplug more.

*I did use my phone to take this picture of
my mountain adventure... deal with it.

(That said, I did forget to charge my phone upon returning to civilization. My phone died in the night causing me to oversleep my alarm by several hours which basically added a half day to my vacation. This unplanned sleeping bonus did help me feel very rested when I returned to the daily grind.)

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