Today I went to another one of my sister's soccer games. We arrived a bit late to the game, as there was a detour with a detour in it. My sister was already at the game.
When we got there, I heard the score was 3-0. I wasn't sure if this was correct, and had no clue which team had 3 and which team had 0. One team was happy and laughing, while the other team seemed upset and their coach was mad. Therefore, I assumed the "happier team" had the lead. It turns out, the happy team was losing.
It was almost refreshing in a way, to see people out just having fun, and seemingly not caring a whole bunch about the score. My sister also made a great goal which was a highlight, although next time I should plug my ears after my sister makes a goal because my mom was screaming in my ear. At least they were screams of joy.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Cool Down
Today was another hot day. Instead of hosting a party in the heat, or something crazy like that, we went swimming. It was a lot of fun, and very refreshing. We would jump off the dock on to a big inflatable raft. It was really fun, at least until it got a hole in it and deflated. Even that couldn't deflate the fun we had.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Baked Bliss
Today was our open house to celebrate my graduations. It was also a day of record breaking heat, around 100 degrees. So while it was literally the uncoolest party I've ever been to, it was fun.
I think people had a good time. There was plenty of great food. In fact, I know what I will be eating for the next couple of weeks. There was more food left after the party than was eaten at the party. It was a fun time with family and friends making a memory. Thank you to all who stopped by.
I think people had a good time. There was plenty of great food. In fact, I know what I will be eating for the next couple of weeks. There was more food left after the party than was eaten at the party. It was a fun time with family and friends making a memory. Thank you to all who stopped by.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Today was all about preparing for tomorrow. To celebrate my graduation, we are having a open house tomorrow. It is sort of our family custom, at least my brother had one when he graduated.
Today, more than previous days, I got a little nervous about the party. There were projects around the house that needed to get done, there is supposed to be record-beating high temperatures tomorrow, and we have no clue how many people will or will not show up to the party. I just want everyone to have a good time. I think things will work out, and maybe I will see you here.
Today, more than previous days, I got a little nervous about the party. There were projects around the house that needed to get done, there is supposed to be record-beating high temperatures tomorrow, and we have no clue how many people will or will not show up to the party. I just want everyone to have a good time. I think things will work out, and maybe I will see you here.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Completion Close
Today was a busy day. It started out with my brother and I going to the drive-in late last night and returning home very early this morning. After getting a little bit of sleep, I went out and worked at my grandparents' house on installing the flooring. We nearly finished today. At home tonight, I almost finished cleaning my room. It was a busy day with a lot getting done, and with several things near completion.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Weird Whirring
Today when I was on my lunch break while working at my grandparents' installing their floor, I heard a strange noise. It was a humming sort of noise. I thought maybe a swarm of bees was about to attack, or something bad was about to happen. It turned out to be two hummingbirds flying close by, that would explain the humming noise. They were fun to watch for the brief amount of time they were near before they zoomed away. They are impressive creatures.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Waiting and Wondering
Today I finally completely wrapped up school. One thing I don't like about college is finals week. Not only is there a lot of pressure and studying, you usually never know how good or bad you did on things.
On the last day of class last quarter, I turned in a research paper I spent a lot of time on. I know what grade I got in the class, but didn't know how I did on the paper. But today I stopped by the college and thankfully my professor was in his office so I was able to pick up my essay. It was nice to finally know how I did on something during finals week, although at this point it doesn't really matter. It was a bit strange and semi-sad saying goodbye to my professor. He said I'll see you around, and I said actually you probably won't. I'm going to miss SPSCC.
On the last day of class last quarter, I turned in a research paper I spent a lot of time on. I know what grade I got in the class, but didn't know how I did on the paper. But today I stopped by the college and thankfully my professor was in his office so I was able to pick up my essay. It was nice to finally know how I did on something during finals week, although at this point it doesn't really matter. It was a bit strange and semi-sad saying goodbye to my professor. He said I'll see you around, and I said actually you probably won't. I'm going to miss SPSCC.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Grand Game
Today my sister had her first soccer game of the summer. It was fun to watch the game. My sister and her team played quite well. I still feel a bit sad when I watch soccer games. I miss playing the sport. Every time I watch a game, I remember playing and wish that I was.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Artistic End

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Summer Starting
I have finally come to the realization that it is summer. While summer officially started yesterday, I have been on summer break for 10 days. It is just now starting to hit me that I don't have to go to school for quite a while. I have felt more like I am on a week break from school, and will have to go back soon. I now feel school is a long way off and summer is just beginning, and let me tell you it is a good feeling to have.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Unbright Light
Today I worked on installing my grandparents' floor with my father. We finished the upstairs, and have just started the downstairs. They had some lights installed, so I wanted to see how they looked. I flipped a switch, and instead of a light turning on, I got shocked. It was a bit jolting, but not too painful. I accidentally touched a wire or something. I learned a good lesson, sometimes it is not too bright to try and turn on a light.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Liking Biking
Today I faced my fears, and revived an old habit. Summers past, I would ride my bike everywhere. I even tried riding my bike to pickleball. Then, it happened. I had a biking mishap on my way home from pickleball.
But this week, I decided to give biking to pickleball another try. Both Tuesday and today I rode my bike to and from pickleball. Everything went fine. It works out really great because riding my bike to pickleball gets me warmed up for the first game. As long as the weather is nice and I don't have another accident, I plan to continue this new tradition of an old habit.
But this week, I decided to give biking to pickleball another try. Both Tuesday and today I rode my bike to and from pickleball. Everything went fine. It works out really great because riding my bike to pickleball gets me warmed up for the first game. As long as the weather is nice and I don't have another accident, I plan to continue this new tradition of an old habit.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Cleaning Done and Begun
Today I cleaned the school I clean on the weekends for maybe the last time ever. I know it isn't the weekend, but summer is the eternal weekend, so we cleaned it a bit after the last day of school. I also started cleaning my room today. There is still a lot of work left to do. Hopefully, I can get it clean soon, and keep it clean.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Decade of Celebration
It is a lot of fun, even if school has been out for over a week for me. As a kid, I always looked forward to this event. I still do, but it is a lot more work than I remember from my childhood to pull off. I think I made a very good vanilla ice cream scooper, although most the kids wanted the other more colorful flavors.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Car Washed
Today my sisters and I finally washed our car. It had been quite a while. The white car looked a bit gray in parts. The weather was finally nice, and I wasn't busy this afternoon. After over an hour, it was a finally clean. Hopefully it doesn't go another couple months before it gets washed again.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day
Today was Father's Day. We had a very nice meal with both sets of grandparents. But, I don't need a holiday to realize how special my father is to me, although it is a good excuse to hold a party.
My father is a hardworking, kind, funny, smart, and caring man. I enjoy working with him, and spending time with him. The older I grow, the more I learn from him. He is a great man, and the best father I could have.
My father is a hardworking, kind, funny, smart, and caring man. I enjoy working with him, and spending time with him. The older I grow, the more I learn from him. He is a great man, and the best father I could have.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Third Trampolined Try
Today we bought a new trampoline. We had a trampoline given to us a year or two ago. It was a lot of fun until it ripped in half. Then, a couple weeks ago, we bought a new one off craigslist. It wasn't very good or even very safe.
So today, we went to the store and bought a new one. It didn't fit in the trunk of our car, but it fit across the backseats. The only problem was that there were three of us, so I had to end up sitting/laying down on the trampoline on the way home. After a bit of a mess up, we were able to get it setup. It works great, and it is nice to have a working trampoline again.
So today, we went to the store and bought a new one. It didn't fit in the trunk of our car, but it fit across the backseats. The only problem was that there were three of us, so I had to end up sitting/laying down on the trampoline on the way home. After a bit of a mess up, we were able to get it setup. It works great, and it is nice to have a working trampoline again.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Another Day, Another Graduation?
There were a lot of graduates at this ceremony. The introductory graduation song went on for literally 15 minutes. It wasn't on purpose, but I was one of the first people in line to graduate. After over 2 hours with my graduation cap, I almost had a headache, my brain needed to breathe. Other than that, everything was fine. Without practice, the man said my name near perfectly. After the ceremony, my family went out for dinner. Overall, it was a nice ceremony and family time for graduation, and made up for the first ceremony not going great.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Not Taken for Granite

The past two days, I have been helping install flooring at my grandparents' house. It is a floating floor, which means there are no nails or glue. The pieces snap together, although they don't always do so easily or with any satisfying sound as one might think. The is looking really nice, as is the rest of the house.
When I was there working, they had amazing granite counters installed. There were some scraps left over, so "as part of my pay" I was able to get this huge chunk. I plan to put it on my desk. It is an amazing stone, and the coolest, definitely the heaviest, memento I've ever gotten from a job site.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Potlucked Out
Today I had my final class for the year. It was a huge relief to turn in my paper, and officially start summer. My class had a potluck that was surprisingly good. But not nearly as good as the feeling of freedom.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
"It" is Finally Finished
Today I finally finished "it". For weeks I have been working on and off on a final research paper for my class. For the past couple days, it has been the only thing in the way of my freedom. I spent nearly all yesterday and today finishing it. Well not all day, I did find time to play pickleball this morning. But after a bunch of hours, my 10+ page research paper is finally finished. What a relief. After I turn it in tomorrow, I am officially done with high school and community college.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Almost Done
Today was the last Monday of the school year, and last day of in class instruction. I only have to finish an essay and turn it in on Wednesday. Semi-unfortunately, it is an 8-10 page research paper. Then I am done.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Today wrapped up my last weekend of the school year. I hoped to finish all my homework due next week, but it was so much easier and fun to relax. I did get everything done for tomorrow, the last Monday of my high school life. Just a few more days and it will be the eternal weekend, also known as summer.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
What Brown Can't Do For Me
Today I hoped to see history made. I wanted to watch Big Brown win the horse racing triple crown. It hasn't been done in over 30 years. I don't really know much about horse racing, and have never really watched any races.
I watched the main race hoping to see Big Brown win. It wasn't that close of a race. Big Brown slowed down at the end of the race after being third most of the race, and got last place. I thought it was going to be exciting and historical, but it wasn't. I didn't end up seeing history made, instead I ended up seeing horses run around a track for a couple minutes, and waited all day to do so.
I watched the main race hoping to see Big Brown win. It wasn't that close of a race. Big Brown slowed down at the end of the race after being third most of the race, and got last place. I thought it was going to be exciting and historical, but it wasn't. I didn't end up seeing history made, instead I ended up seeing horses run around a track for a couple minutes, and waited all day to do so.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Graduation Abomination
Overall, the ceremony was disappointing. A lot of my classmates I either completely didn't' know, or hadn't seen for three years. The worst part, my name was read as Danielle Scot Lofthus. I didn't really know what to do, I was in shock. After all the work I had to do walk, my name wasn't pronounced even close. I graduated from high school in front of thousands of people under a girl's name. I mean, I could have understood missing my last name, although it was spelled out phonetically, but I mean Daniel, it is not that hard.
As is custom after graduating, the girl behind me flung her hat. The only problem, she threw it straight in to the back of my head instead of up in the air. It was painful, and a rather fitting and sad end to my high school life.
Thankfully though, the pants crisis was solved. My mom got me a new pair of pants that having a fully functioning zipper. No longer will I constantly have to worry about a wardrobe malfunction every time I have to wear pants.
After the graduation ceremony, my family and both sets of grandparents had a very nice "10:30pm snack" as my little sister called it at my house. It was a fun time, and definitely the highlight of the evening.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Needed Nap
Today I had a graduation practice in the morning. I wasn't very happy to have to miss both my walking class and softball class as it was the last class of the year in both of them. On top of that, I had to get up earlier than normal to do so.
I was able to make it to my Theater of War class. I stayed afterwards for a debate. But when I got home, I was really tired. I fell asleep basically the entire afternoon. It felt good, not just the sleeping part, but feeling free to sleep for an afternoon.
I was able to make it to my Theater of War class. I stayed afterwards for a debate. But when I got home, I was really tired. I fell asleep basically the entire afternoon. It felt good, not just the sleeping part, but feeling free to sleep for an afternoon.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Flying by the Seat of my Pants
Today was the high school Baccalaureate. I was told I needed to wear my cap and gown to the event. I was running a little late, and got to the high school past the time I thought I was supposed to be there. While I was sitting in the car, I saw a few fellow seniors walk by, none of which were in their robes. I sat in the car, conflicted. Was I mislead, or were others misleading me?
Eventually, I decided to forget the robe. I walked in to the meeting room, nobody else was in cap and gown. I was so thankful I wasn't the only person wearing a funny looking robe and hat.
Unfortunately, I had worn "the pants" thinking they would be under said robe. Take away the robe, and an inevitable wardrobe malfunction was no longer sheltered. Thankfully, I was able to keep the damage to a minimum, and I don't think there were any noticeable wardrobe malfunctions. I really need to buy a new pair of pants, with a completely functioning zipper.
Eventually, I decided to forget the robe. I walked in to the meeting room, nobody else was in cap and gown. I was so thankful I wasn't the only person wearing a funny looking robe and hat.
Unfortunately, I had worn "the pants" thinking they would be under said robe. Take away the robe, and an inevitable wardrobe malfunction was no longer sheltered. Thankfully, I was able to keep the damage to a minimum, and I don't think there were any noticeable wardrobe malfunctions. I really need to buy a new pair of pants, with a completely functioning zipper.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Finale Tuesday
Monday, June 2, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Cleaning Change
Today was the last day of the weekend, this meant my sister and I had to fulfill our weekend janitorial duties. While we were gone, my parents rearranged the living room. I like the looks of it, but it will take a while to get used to. I guess that is how most changes are.
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