Overall, the ceremony was disappointing. A lot of my classmates I either completely didn't' know, or hadn't seen for three years. The worst part, my name was read as Danielle Scot Lofthus. I didn't really know what to do, I was in shock. After all the work I had to do walk, my name wasn't pronounced even close. I graduated from high school in front of thousands of people under a girl's name. I mean, I could have understood missing my last name, although it was spelled out phonetically, but I mean Daniel, it is not that hard.
As is custom after graduating, the girl behind me flung her hat. The only problem, she threw it straight in to the back of my head instead of up in the air. It was painful, and a rather fitting and sad end to my high school life.
Thankfully though, the pants crisis was solved. My mom got me a new pair of pants that having a fully functioning zipper. No longer will I constantly have to worry about a wardrobe malfunction every time I have to wear pants.
After the graduation ceremony, my family and both sets of grandparents had a very nice "10:30pm snack" as my little sister called it at my house. It was a fun time, and definitely the highlight of the evening.
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