Friday, April 30, 2010
Work Time
Today is Friday. I am happy it is the weekend again. That said, I have quite a bit of work I need to do for a test on Monday. I also have another midterm coming up soon I should start to think about. Hopefully, fun will also be had this weekend. Although I am not too worried about the fun part, more the studying part.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Game Time
Today I didn't get back my Economics midterm like I thought that I might. However, I did add an extra 2.75 points to my score on it class today. Being a game theory class, we play lots of games for rather obvious reasons. We played a game today that involved distributing 5 points and someone asked if these points meant anything. The class convinced the professor they should, so he decided he will add the points to our midterm.
The game was rather simple. Half the class would decide how they wanted to distribute their 5 points with another random person in the class. If this other person agreed to the proposal, you would both get the specified amount. If the person rejected the offer, both would get nothing.
Being a budding game theorist, I knew theoretically I could offer the other person only 1 point and they were better off taking it. I had to balance my selfishness and generosity. I was going to put 2.5 points for both of us, but I mean these points were going towards the midterm so I offered 2.75 points for myself and 2.25 for the other. Thankfully, they accepted my offer. I feel a bit guilty, but other offers were definitely less generous than my own but that shouldn't really make me feel any better either.
The game was rather simple. Half the class would decide how they wanted to distribute their 5 points with another random person in the class. If this other person agreed to the proposal, you would both get the specified amount. If the person rejected the offer, both would get nothing.
Being a budding game theorist, I knew theoretically I could offer the other person only 1 point and they were better off taking it. I had to balance my selfishness and generosity. I was going to put 2.5 points for both of us, but I mean these points were going towards the midterm so I offered 2.75 points for myself and 2.25 for the other. Thankfully, they accepted my offer. I feel a bit guilty, but other offers were definitely less generous than my own but that shouldn't really make me feel any better either.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Long Day
Today has been a long day. It has also been nice outside, but sadly I spent most of today inside. It is hard to believe it is almost summer already. I dont really want to think about it right now because that means I need to decide what I am doing this summer.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Game Time
Today I had my Economics midterm I have been posting about for quite some time. For perhaps the first time in my life, I was prepared to fail this test. I had no clue what to expect and even worse, no idea what to study. That aside, I have really been enjoying this class. I'm not entirely sure, but I feel like the test went well or at least a lot better than I thought it might.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Hi Steaks
Today it was back to the classroom after a fun weekend. Last night, my roommate and I cooked steaks. It was most delectable. I have my Economics midterm tomorrow I need to study for. I really wish I knew what I need to know for this test.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Fun Times
Today is Sunday. The Mexico Reunion last night was a lot of fun. It was great to see everyone again and have a good time and enjoy a good meal together. Hopefully today I can get in a little bit of homework and also enjoy the nice weather.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Work Party and Party
Today I participated in another work party. It was actually quite fun after the pain of waking up early wore off. A group of us pulled weeds and had a good time together doing so. In both gardens and life, weeds need to be pulled out before flowers can be planted. Tonight, my Mexico team is having a reunion. I'm excited to see everyone again, although it will be a bit weird seeing them all not in Mexico.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Week End
Today is Friday. I can't believe how fast this quarter has gone by. It seems like it started just the other day. However, I know that not to be the case because I have a midterm next week. Quite possibly this is the scariest midterm I have ever had at least preparation wise.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
True and False
Today I got back a quiz in my Economics class. I did better than I thought I may have. However, it was a bit frustrating to miss a true or false question that was only wrong because my answer to the previous question was wrong. I still think I was right, at least about the true or false question. Historically, I do poorly on true or false. I think I would do better if I just randomly picked an answer. At least I would have a 50% chance that way.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Today is Wednesday. The weather had been getting nicer lately, but now it has been raining the past few days. It helped remind me to balance my time between recreation and schoolwork. It is difficult, especially spring quarter, but classes need to be my priority.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sleep Talk
Today, very early today, I woke myself up talking in my sleep. It was a strange feeling. I think I was dreaming about needles, but I said something about screws. I had an Economics quiz. I am not sure how well it went. It is confusing stuff. Thankfully, it was just a quiz and hopefully I did alright on it.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Bug Break
Today is another Monday. I woke up early enough to get some reading homework done and go running. While running down a huge hill, I inhaled a bug. I'm not exactly sure what it was, but I know it ended up getting consumed. I've got another Economics quiz to study for at some point today. However, I am going to go out and enjoy the nice weather while it is here right now.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunny Sunday
Today it is sunny outside, at least for now. I plan to get some homework done and hopefully get outside and enjoy the nice weather. I think spring is now here.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Good Morning
Today I participated in a work day. This means I was doing work, but the money raised was being donated to a group I am a part of. It was nice to be able to help out the lady we worked for, and the organization she will donate to. It was a good way to spend a Saturday morning.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Time Flies
Today is Friday. This quarter has been going by fast. It seems like just the other day I was disappointed it was Monday and ready for the weekend. The next thing I know, it is here again. Which reminds me, I have quite a few decisions about next year I need to make. The next thing I know, it will be here too.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Game On
Today I went running before my first class. I've really liked trying to be more productive with my time in the morning before I have classes. I got back my first Economics quiz today. I scored a bit higher than the class average and overall did fairly well on it. Tomorrow I should find out how I did on my first psychology test. Hopefully that went well too.
We had an interesting experiment in my game theory class today. There were 34 of us in the class. Our professor gave each of us a piece of paper and we could either choose 5 points or 1 point of extra credit towards our midterm. The catch was that if over 7 people chose 5 points, then nobody would get any. Turns out, half the class chose the five points so nobody ended up getting any. I'm not going to lie, I was one of the people who picked 5 points. I went back and forth on which to choose, and felt a bit bad for being so self interested, but I guess it didn't really matter which is what I figured would happen. It would have been sweet to get 5 extra points towards my midterm though.
We had an interesting experiment in my game theory class today. There were 34 of us in the class. Our professor gave each of us a piece of paper and we could either choose 5 points or 1 point of extra credit towards our midterm. The catch was that if over 7 people chose 5 points, then nobody would get any. Turns out, half the class chose the five points so nobody ended up getting any. I'm not going to lie, I was one of the people who picked 5 points. I went back and forth on which to choose, and felt a bit bad for being so self interested, but I guess it didn't really matter which is what I figured would happen. It would have been sweet to get 5 extra points towards my midterm though.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Psych Out
Today I had my first psychology test. I spent most of this morning studying for it. I feel like I did fairly well on it. There were a few questions where there were two answers that seemed appropriate, so hopefully I picked the more appropriate answer, although historically that isn't the case. The past few days, I've been a lot more productive with my time, especially in the mornings. Perhaps because of tests it was basically forced upon me, but it is something I would like to continue and make more of a habit.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Painful Reminder
Today I had my first Economics quiz at noon. I woke up early and was studying for it this morning. I decided to take a little break from studying and attempted to recline in my chair. I reclined a bit too far, and the chair fell completely backwards with me in it. I hit the ground fairly hard. It hurt, but not too bad thankfully. It was a rather painful reminder to get back to studying. I feel like the quiz went well. Now I just need to get ready for my Psychology test tomorrow and hopefully not need to fall out of any more chairs to remember to do so.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Refresh Focus
Today is Monday which means the weekend is over. As of late, especially with the weather getting nicer, it has been a bit difficult to focus on schoolwork. I would much rather being doing other stuff than homework most days. Complicating matters, I don't really have much day to day homework to do, mainly reading to stay caught up on and studying of lecture notes. I have a quiz and a test this week, so I needed to stay diligent when it comes to school today. I think I did a fairly good job of this.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Relaxing Sunday
Today I spent most of the day relaxing. I have an economics quiz on Tuesday and my first psychology test on Wednesday. I probably should have studied more for them this weekend. However, I don't really know what to expect for either one, and still need to find a copy of the psychology book.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
MS Walk

Today I got up early and went to the local MS walk. I've seen firsthand the impact MS has in my Mom's life and walked on her behalf and for all others impacted by this disease. Not only that, but the National MS Society has been very generous in helping to fund my education and it was nice to be able to support them in some way. It was quite a bit of fun and I was really happy I was able to participate.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Trail Run
Today is Friday. One of my classes was cancelled, so I only had one class. This provided me time to go running before class. I went trail running to a waterfall near campus. It had been quite some time since I went trail running, it won't be nearly that long before I go again.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Today is my 1000th post. Wow. I didn't know if my blog would make it past day one, let alone to post number 1000. For reference, here is my 100th post. I wonder if there will be 1000 more posts?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Boring Classes
Today both of my classes seemed exceptionally boring. I guess some days are like that. Hopefully, it wasn't a sign of things to come.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Whether the Weather is Good or Bad
Today my first class was at noon. Before class, I decided to go running. I got all ready to go running and then looked out the window to see that it was raining. I decided rain wasn't going to stop me, just probably slow me down. However, when I started running, the rain stopped. The sun even broke through the clouds for a bit. I like to think my running had something to do with that.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Game On
Today was the first Monday of the quarter. So far, I am happy with my classes and schedule. I've decided to try eating healthier for one week. I'm not quite as happy with that. Hopefully, it won't just be a week. The goal is to eat really healthy for one week, in other words no desserts, and then hopefully moderately healthy for the foreseeable future. Today at dinner, I ate a salad. I definitely paused by the dessert section for quite some time. I eventually walked away proud of my restraint, but disappointed to not have the cake and ice cream that looked so good.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Sunday
Today was Easter. I am thankful for the real reason behind Easter, although all the food and candy is good too. I had fun hanging out with friends today. Actually, that is what I did basically all weekend and it was a very good weekend.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Relaxing Saturday
Today is Saturday. It is my first Saturday in quite some time where I can actually relax and am not travelling. I plan to go watch a movie with friends. I should maybe do some homework as well, but that probably won't happen today.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Good Friday
Today is Good Friday. So far it has been just that, a good Friday. Not great, not terrible. I'm thankful it is the weekend and that the first week of classes is over. I am also thankful for Good Friday and what it represents.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Cake Walk
Today was my third day of classes. It is still too early to tell, but I think I am going to like my classes. In my game theory class, we will actually be playing games which is fun. Tonight at dinner, I decided I wasn't going to have dessert. Not only that, but I had a salad instead of dessert. On my way out of the dining hall, I stopped by the dessert station, just to see what I was missing out on. It was a bad idea because they had good looking cake and an ice cream flavor I like that they rarely have. However, I eventually continued walking and left the dining hall. It was a major victory.
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