Sunday, December 12, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
End of an Era
Today I am headed out on a road trip to California with some friends. I believe it will be an amazing adventure and lots of fun activities will be partaken. However, it most likely means I won't be blogging. It most definitely means I will miss a day. Thus the record of continuous days will end, not with a last minute dash to a computer as I always thought, but with a planned miss. I didn't think it would end this way, but I have accepted it. My blog July 21, 2007 - December 11, 2010.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Crazy Ending
Today was a most interesting and entirely hectic end to the first quarter of my senior year at Western. My first final of the week was this morning at 8:00am. I set my alarm last night for 6:25 so I would have time to study a bit more and make it to my final with plenty of time.
I woke up this morning at 8:52am, first confused and then in a panic. It turns out, I had set my alarm for 6:25pm which wasn't very helpful at all in waking up. I ran to my final and was able to hurriedly finish it before the 9:50am deadline. It was 50% of my final grade so I am so very thankful I woke up when I did and was able to make it there.
I took another in class final at 10:30am and felt pretty good about it. I just turned in my take home essay so I am officially done with Fall Quarter. What a crazy ending.
I woke up this morning at 8:52am, first confused and then in a panic. It turns out, I had set my alarm for 6:25pm which wasn't very helpful at all in waking up. I ran to my final and was able to hurriedly finish it before the 9:50am deadline. It was 50% of my final grade so I am so very thankful I woke up when I did and was able to make it there.
I took another in class final at 10:30am and felt pretty good about it. I just turned in my take home essay so I am officially done with Fall Quarter. What a crazy ending.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Almost There
Today is my last full day to study. I am close to finishing my essay for my Modern Chinese Politics class, even though I just finished my other essay for that class and this one isn't due until Friday. I also somehow found the time to finish a book I started two days ago in my spare time. I suppose it helped to have something other than finals to work on this week.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Amorphous Help
Today I have started on my next essay and studying for my in class finals. I am using going to a movie later this evening as motivation to actually get work done. It is easier to be efficient when I have less time instead of having too large of an amorphous block of time in which to study. It has been a very productive day so far.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Essay Done and to Start
Today I finally finished my essay. That means it is time to start my next essay. It also means it is time to prepare for the essays I might have to write for my in class final on Thursday. I only enjoy essay writing to a point, one I am rapidly approaching.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Cut it Out
Today I have continued to work on my essay. I went a bit overboard, and wrote over 10 pages for an essay that was supposed to be 7 pages. It has required quite a bit of condensing and outright elimination of parts. However, I still think it is a good essay and can leave my stronger points and cut out the weaker ones. It is still sad to eliminate so much writing though.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Write On
Today I have been working on an essay. I actually enjoy the topic, so that helps. I am a bit tired of writing in general though so I am going to stop writing this post right now.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Work Wise
Today is Friday of dead week. This week hasn't been too bad so far work wise. I am still alive. However, everything is culminating into a very busy last week of classes. I hope I survive.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
One Done
Today I had my last class of the quarter for one of my classes. It is a bit difficult to believe this quarter is almost over. The essays I have to write and exams I need to study for quickly remind me of that fact though.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Alarming Rarity
Today was another busy day. It is that time of the quarter where busy becomes the norm. I even set my alarm and woke up early this morning to get work done before class. That has been a rarity this quarter.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Back to Work
Today has been a busy day back. The next two weeks will be busy. The quarter is almost over. There are only two essays and two final exams in my way. That, and a lot of stress.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
About to Leave
Today is my last day home. It has been nice to be home and with the family. It won't be super nice to get back to college and have a bunch of exams to start studying for and an essay to work on almost immediately upon my return.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Bowling Together
Today was a fun day home. We went bowling as a family. This time, I didn't hit my foot with the ball. It has been nice being home. It will be difficult to get back into school mode when I return to Bellingham tomorrow.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Black Friday Golden
Today was Black Friday. I don't usually go shopping. I actually usually try to avoid stores. However, today was different. It was an experience being out with the crowd. I even ended up buying myself a few things, so the checker was correct in assuming I didn't want a gift receipt.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Today is Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for family and being able to eat a really tasty meal with them.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Ride Home
Today I got a ride home. It took longer than normal, but it is nice to be home with the family. It will also be nice to see extended family tomorrow, even though it will mean another extended car ride.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Done Day
Today I only had one class. It is nice to be on break now and I look forward to seeing the family and eating a lot of good food.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Today it is cold outside. Very cold. Painfully cold. The ground is covered in ice, high temperatures are nowhere near freezing level and wind gusts are approaching sixty miles an hour. I can't remember the last time winter was so painful.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Snow Much Fun
Today my old roommate and good friend is visiting Bellingham. It should be fun. We got quite a bit of snow last night. It was a lot of fun to play outside in the snow with friends until the early hours of the morning.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tired Day
Today I was tired all day. It wasn't very surprising because I didn't get much sleep last night. I think today was a new record for number of meetings cancelled/postponed with somewhere around 4.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Missing and Confusing
Today one of my professor was gone because she is in China. We were supposed to watch a movie in her class today, but nobody ever showed up with the movie. Eventually, after looking for the movie online, we all decided to leave. In my economic class I had a quiz. The questions are designed to be tricky. Hopefully not too many of were successful in doing so.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Today I finally had my group project presentation. I am very glad to have it over with. The presentation itself actually went well. The class laughed at my political science jokes and somebody told me "good job" after class. Icing on the cake.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Project Pains
Today has been a very busy day. I have a group project presentation tomorrow and found out yesterday that the direction I had prepared to go was not really the way the rest of the group was going so I've basically had to start over. After tomorrow, I will feel much better and be a lot less stressed. That is the hope at least.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Hectic Monday
Today has been a very busy and hectic day. I think the next few days will be like that. I will survive and probably eat a lot of cake as well.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Day to Relax
Today was mostly spent relaxing and trying to work on homework. Hopefully, I can get some more of it done before tomorrow. If not, tomorrow morning will be spent entirely on homework.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Work and Fun
Today was a relaxing day. I went to an art show. I also worked on some homework and should probably work on some more homework.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Nice Day Out
Today it was clear and sunny outside. After working out, I spent the rest of the afternoon outside enjoying the nice weather because there aren't too many of them left for the foreseeable future.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Veterans Day
Today has been a fun day. It has felt like the weekend, even though it technically isn't. Also, thanks to all the veterans.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Strong Weekend Start
Today my weekend started after my only class of the day got out, and it got out much earlier than normal. My apartment also bought a Wii which has been fun, a lot of fun. What a great start to the weekend. Now if I can only get my group project done.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Busy Day
Today has been a busy day with nonstop meetings and classes for a large majority of the day. Thankfully, my weekend will officially start Wednesday at 4:00pm. Also, I did well on a midterm I got back today which I am also thankful about.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Scary Times
Today there was a robbery right by where I was walking when I was returning from class. It sounds like everyone is okay but they are still looking for the suspects. It is scary.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Fall Back
Today it was nice to get "an extra hour" of sleep with Fall Back. I was thinking about staying up until 2:00am to watch the clocks travel backwards through time. Instead, I decided I could use more sleep and go to bed when I usually do and get up an hour "later" than normal. It was nice.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Run Around
Today I woke up early for a Saturday and went running. I have gone running three days in a row which historically wouldn't mean much, but it has been quite some time since I last ran three days in a row.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Today is the start of the weekend, a much needed weekend. We had a slight fruit fly infestation I have been dealing with all day. I think they are all about gone, at least things are cleaner so they won't have as much food.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Life Goes On
Today was a long day of classes. I turned in my essay. I also got back one of my midterms, the first large graded thing I have gotten back all quarter. I didn't do nearly as well on it as I hoped and thought which was very disappointing. Life goes on.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Not so Rough
Today was mostly spent working on my essay that is due tomorrow. I have been chipping away at it for over the past week, but it was by no means finished. I am fairly happy with how it turned out, and actually enjoyed the topic I was writing on once I finally figured out what that was. I only have to turn in a rough draft tomorrow. However, it is graded and worth 20% of my grade in the class so it can by no means be a very rough draft. It will be nice to turn it in tomorrow and have a few days to finally relax with no major project or test for the next couple days.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Season Finale
Today I had my economics midterm. It went about as I expected, which was not too bad. Now I just need to go to town on my essay due Thursday and then I can finally relax a little bit before I start to work on my group project. Thankfully, midterm season is coming to an end.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Back to the Books
Today I only had 15 minutes of class. That might be a first. After a long, fun weekend, it is time to get work done.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Back to Bellingham
Today I got back from camp. It was a great weekend with great people. Tonight should be fun as well. I wish I would have got more homework done though.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
At Camp
Today I am at camp, at least as I sit here and write this that is what I am assuming. I am taking my homework, although I probably won't be working on it. I will probably be playing some fun game instead. Hopefully I got some sleep, usually I don't get much.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Camp Time
Today I am leaving for a camp. It will be fun. I am also dressing up like a cowboy. I've gone to camp the past two years and really had a blast.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Here We Go
Today is the start of my weekend. It will be a busy weekend. It will also be a fun weekend. Time to go purchase my Halloween costume.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Today I had my first midterm of the school year. I have had the professor before, so I knew what to expect for the format of his test. Even knowing that, I was sort of stressing about my midterm. I am very happy now to have it out of the way and feel like I did fairly well on it which makes me feel even better.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Go Time
Today was a long day. I have my first midterm tomorrow. I am tired of studying for it and mainly just want to get it over with. Once I am done with that, it is time to get to work on an essay I need to write. After that, it will be time to start studying for another midterm. It is that time of the quarter.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Busy Time
Today I got quite a bit of stuff done. That said, I have quite a bit of stuff to do. The next week will be extremely busy.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Father's 50th
Today is my father's 50th birthday. We had a big open house to celebrate. Thanks Dad for being a great father and role model. Happy birthday!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Back Home
Today it has been nice to be home. I haven't been feeling great the past few days, but I am slowly starting to feel better. I was even able to get some studying in today. It has been nice to see the family.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Homeward Bound
Today I am headed home for the weekend. It will be nice to be home and even nicer to see the family. It has been well over a month since I last saw them.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
That Time
Today was a busy day. It is getting to be that time of the quarter where a lot things are happening and due. Tonight I helped lead a game of tag/capture the flag/creep around in the woods up in the arboretum. It was quite a bit of fun.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Quiz and Cook
Today I had my first quiz of the school year. It was in my economics class. I felt like some of the questions were designed to be tricky, which is annoying. Overall, I probably did fine on the quiz and realistically, it doesn't really matter even if I didn't. Tonight, I decided to actually cook a dinner for myself. It turned out alright considering I was just sort of free styling in the kitchen not really following any recipe or plan.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Another Monday
Today is Monday. Usually, it is a fairly busy day for me. I have my first graded school thing tomorrow, so I spent some time studying for it. More time should be put into studying.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Game On
Today I discovered that we do have a few channels in our apartment. I hadn't hooked the TV up to the cable because it meant disconnecting the internet. However, with a football game on the line, I figured now was the time to see if we had any channels and especially if we had any channels that had the football game on.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Soccer and Hike
Today I played some soccer. It was fun. It is such a nice day out that I am going to go on a hike. I like the weekends!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Late to Rise
Today I slept in, quite a bit in. I almost slept past a meeting I had at noon. Thankfully, and with help from timely bus catching, I made it to my meeting on time. I've got quite a bit planned for the rest of today. It is a good thing I am well rested.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Dinner Time
Today was my last day of classes. It was also a long day of classes and I didn't get much sleep last night. However, I survived. Tonight I am baking dinner with one of my apartmentmates for our first apartment dinner. It will be good and tasty.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Cake Bake
Today was a busy day. Most of the busyness was not school related though. I baked a cake from scratch today for a friend's birthday. See, not school related at all but very fun and tasty.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Lunch Lesson Learned
Today was a long day of classes. I woke up quite a bit earlier than normal this morning and was excited to get some work done. I ate breakfast and was going to read in bed. Not the best choice. I fell back asleep and woke up later than I normally do and was rushed to make it to a meeting I had before class. This meant I didn't have time to really make a lunch which means I was hungry all day which means long classes were only made more painful.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Busy Day
Today has been a busy day. I still have stuff to do. In fact, I need to leave now so I won't be late to the next thing I need to get to.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Today is 10/10/10. I want to think of something epic to do, especially for 10:10pm on 10/10/10, but I haven't got anything spectacular planned yet. I will be playing in a soccer game later which will probably be fun and possibly could be epic. We'll have to wait and see.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Indepth Posting
Today is Saturday. I am going to try to have fun. Usually, that isn't too difficult to achieve on a Saturday.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Omelet On
Today I had no classes but I did have several meetings. I got inspired to cook watching Julie and Julia the other night and looking up some clips of Julia Child on youtube, so I cooked an omelet for lunch. It turned out nicely and was quite delicious. Maybe I will start to cook stuff for myself more often.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Weekend Start
Today was a long day of classes. However, it is now officially my weekend. It is very nice having three day weekends every weekend. It allows me to get a lot of stuff done and have a lot of fun.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Busy Stuff
Today I had one class. I have started to develop a bit of a daily routine. Things will only get busier I have more and more stuff I need to do. Busy isn't automatically bad, but it is busy.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Double Classes All the Way
Today was a long day of classes. My back to back two hour classes are a bit straining mentally. My second class is a bit boring at times, so it is difficult to stay focused. I try to draw only a few doodles in my notebook. I think it may actually help me stay somewhat focused.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Gym Time
Today I went to the Rec Center. Being off campus and not quite so close, it has been difficult for me to find the time and will to make it there. However, it is a healthy habit I would like to keep so I am going to try to make it more of a habit. Going on Monday seemed like a good way to start off the week. Also, I noticed during my soccer game yesterday that I could definitely use some time in the gym so I am not sucking wind so much during the game.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Game Time
Today I will probably play in my first soccer game for quite some time. I have had several people ask me if I wanted to be on their rec team, and finally decided to go to one today. I think it will be fun. Probably a bit painful because I am a bit out of shape and haven't played soccer for so long, but probably mostly fun.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Clean House
Today we had our second apartment meeting and discussed stuff. We also made a trip to Costco and bought stuff in bulk. I spent quite a bit of the day cleaning the apartment and my room. We are having a movie night here which was a good excuse to finally get stuff somewhat clean around here.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Old Stuff
Today I vacuumed the apartment. I am not sure how long it has been since it last got vacuumed, probably quite some time. Yesterday, we cleaned out the refrigerator. There was some egg nog, from last Christmas season. It was more solid than liquid and smelled quite foul.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Not to Alarm
Today was the end of my first week of classes. My favorite quote of the day was when my economics professor warned us that, "I don't want to worry anyone here, but the sun is exploding." I thought it was funny and it doesn't really have much to do with economics. Even though I don't have classes tomorrow, it will be a fairly busy day. Busy is mostly good though.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Recreational Reading
Today I finished reading a book. Rather surprisingly, I was reading this book for fun and it was unrelated to any class I am taking. I'm hoping to balance recreational and class reading this year. It is easy to stop reading stuff I want to and replace it with stuff I have to read. However, a better balance of the two leads to more reading enjoyment.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Nice Weather
Today was the first Tuesday of the school year. I had back to back two hour classes. When classes got over, it was surprisingly nice outside. I threw a frisbee with some friends and even hit a volleyball a bit to take advantage of the nice weather.
Monday, September 27, 2010
I'm 21
Today is my 21st birthday. Last night, my sister had me and some friends over for a birthday celebration. It was fun. Thanks Sarah, housemate and friends! Today I am busy almost all day with non-birthday celebratory related things. That is fine though. I'm thankful for my friends and family, their friendship is all I need for my birthday.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Almost 21
Today is my last day being 20. I don't really have big plans for tomorrow. Actually, I will be quite busy doing school related stuff.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Saturday Start
Today is the first Saturday of the school year. The weather is fairly nice, so I think I will try to find something fun outside to do. I've been trying to start the year with good study habits, so I spent a good portion of this afternoon reading for classes. Thankfully, the book is interesting so far. We'll see what the next 100 pages are like though.
Friday, September 24, 2010
First Friday
Today I didn't have any classes. I slept in later than I planned, but that didn't really matter. I started reading a book for one of my classes. I have literally hundreds of pages I need to read by the end of next week.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Day Two of Two
Today was my second day of classes. I had two classes. On the first day of class, you always hope the professor will let you out early. Yesterday my teacher did, but today both of my teachers went the distance. I think all my classes will be fairly interesting this year, probably require a lot of work as well.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
First Day
Today was my first day of class. I only had one. Usually, I would have found out where the classes are before having them. I figured I am a seasoned veteran so I didn't need to. That wasn't the case. I could not find where my class was. Right before hitting panic mode, I saw the professor and followed him. Other than that, it was a really good first day.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Last Day
Today is my last day of summer. Classes start tomorrow. Well, I guess techincally class starts for me tomorrow as I only have one to go to. It will be good to develop a routine that classes tend to bring, but I am a bit sad to have summer ending.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Books Bought
Today I finally bought my textbooks, six of them at least. I still have one more to buy. One more really expensive one to buy. I could only put off buying them for so long, and the line at the bookstore will only get longer the next couple days so I decided it was time to admit to the inevitability of spending a lot of money on books that I don't really want to read.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Awkward Day
Today was a fairly exhausting day. For a group I am a part of on campus called CCF (Campus Christian Fellowship), I am what is called a core leader this year in the dorm region of Nash. This basically means I will be leading a Bible study in that region, although the group does much more than that. Today I went around meeting people that live in the dorm region. In other words, I had a lot of awkward conversations with a lot of people.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Fun Day
Today I am going to a pumpkin fair. I am also going to the Mariners game and sitting in row one behind third base. It is going to be a fun day.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Sleep In Off
Today I woke up early. The past few days, I have been trying to get my sleeping schedule back on a somewhat normal track in preparation for the school year starting. It has been weird getting up "early", because not much is going on in the mornings. I have spent quite a bit of time continuing to unpack and decorate my room. It doesn't really take that long, as that is what I have said I have been doing for several days, I am just taking the process slow.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Walk Around
Today I went for a nice long walk down to the Bay. Shortly after I got back to my place, it started raining and hasn't stopped. I spent the rest of the day mainly relaxing before thing get crazy with school starting.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Double Birthdays!
Today is my older brother and youngest sister's birthday. I wish I could be home celebrating with them. We tried skyping, but they didn't have a microphone or webcam which made it a bit awkward to say the least. Happy birthday Harrison and Gabby!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Fun Stuff
Today I actually woke up fairly early. I had a meeting. I have had a good past few days relaxing and hanging out with friends and of course, more unpacking and decorating of my room. The first grocery run of the year happened. It was exciting.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Same Old
Today I am still unpacking and organizing my room. It was nice to have my father and sister here for a couple days. It is also nice having my other sister live close by.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
College Kid
Today I unpacked and organized my room a bit more. I also ate top ramen for dinner which really made me feel like a college student.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Own Room
Today is Saturday. I am still unpacking and getting settled in my new place. It is weird having my own room. I've shared a room my entire life.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Move In
Today I am going to a conference all day. That means unpacking will have to wait until later. I did officially move into my new place yesterday. I've never signed so many papers in my life.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Pack Man
Today is my last day home for the summer. That means most of it was spent packing, or avoiding packing. It also means my mom cooked an excellent going away dinner. I will miss my family but I will be glad to be back at college.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Bed Bought
Today I bought a bed. No, it isn't for a child of mine, it is for me. I don't even have a child. I will sleep easier now knowing where I will sleep in the future.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Shopping With Sisters
Today I went shopping with my sisters. I was shopping with them, but for myself. I got some good stuff I am happy with. Now if I can just find a bed to buy I will be very happy.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Good Pick
Today I went blackberry picking with my family at our friend's house. The blackberry milkshake with dinner was a most excellent reward for the berries we picked. Thanks Deakins! I also won some Mariners tickets on eBay finally. Two sets of tickets actually.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Sale Away
Today I went garage saling with my mom and sisters. I woke up early on a Saturday in order to do so. We traveled far and wide looking for bargains, but there were really none to be had. It was a bit disappointing but fun to be with the family.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Past Self
Today I got a letter in the mail I wrote to my future self a couple months ago. It was interesting reading what I wanted to tell myself and funny how I didn't know how to address ourselves. I wrote it while I was in Mexico. It was the idea of someone on the team and they are the one who mailed it.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Three Generations
Today I went to pickleball. My father also went to pickleball. My grandpa almost always goes to pickleball, so there were three generations of Lofthus men at pickleball today. It was historic and amazing.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Redo Day
Today I didn't really do much. At least not much that was productive. Some days are like that. It helps make other days better to remember what you didn't like about a day and want to change.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Move Stuff
Today I went to pickleball and a bunch of my stuff went to my place in Bellingham. It is getting close to when I will move myself, not just my stuff there. I am really hoping I can find a bed soon to take with me to my new place. Thanks sister for taking my stuff for me.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Moving On
Today I started packing for college. I'm now thankful that I didn't unpack everything, although it was annoying how much of the surface area of the floor was taken up with it. My sister is taking a trip up to Bellingham and graciously taking some of my stuff with her.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Desserted Island
Today we had a family dinner at my grandparent's house. It was a very delicious dinner. Dessert was also delicious and diverse. It was fun time with family and food which is usually a good combination.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
On a Cinnamon Roll
Today my mom made cinnamon rolls. They were good. Too good. I literally ate myself sick on them and wasn't hungry for dinner after the amount of them I consumed. I don't know if it was worth it or if I learned a lesson.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Work on Stuff
Today I painted for my father. It was interior work. He is a good boss and a good man.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
iMac now
Today I bought a computer. I really had no clue what I wanted in a computer, but I wanted something that would look nice on my desk. I think I succeeded. I am very happy with my purchase and the people who sold me this amazing computer I am now using right now.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Taunting Tip
Today I went running even though it was fairly warm outside. While running and while extremely thirsty, a truck drove by and flaunted the fact that they had water and I didn't. They probably weren't counting on the fact that I would catch up to them at the stoplight. Another person in a car yelled something at me and I caught up to them at a stoplight. Here is a lesson people should learn, don't insult or taunt runners that can catch up to you at a stoplight.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Sweet Series
Today I went to pickleball. I got there closer to when it starts than I usually do. I played fairly well at times, not so well at other times. One play, I reached out and hit the ball with my hand. I have no clue why I did this, but it happened and people laughed. I also finished reading the last book in the Chronicles of Narnia series today. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading those books over the summer.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Run Again
Today I went running. I haven't been running as much as I would like to. The weather was hot, but I think that was just an excuse to stop running. Hopefully, I can make it more of a habit.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Deskcrete Win
Today I bought a desk. I saw an ad for a desk I liked on craigslist. I went to Ikea and saw the desk they were selling and really liked it. The seller responded to my email and said it was on display at their garage sale. I rushed over with our truck and got to the sale in time to see a guy really interested in buying it. He made a phone call and made them an offer if they didn't sell it. The second he left, I purchased it. I'm glad it worked out, for me at least. Later today, post desk victory, I lost on three consecutive last second bidding wars for Mariners tickets. We can't win them all.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Tent Time
Today I woke up in a tent. Last night I watched a movie in our tent in the front yard, at least I watched most of it. It was a good movie even though I fell asleep before it was over. That is why I woke up in a tent even though I wasn't planning on sleeping in it.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Happy Birthday!
Today is my sister's birthday. To celebrate, we went to Ikea as a family. It was a lot of fun. Happy Birthday Sarah! Thanks for being a great sister and I'm excited for fun times at college again this year.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Tent Time
Today we set up a tent in the living room. We decided to move it to the front lawn. We ordered a pizza and had it delivered to the tent.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Drill Sergeant
Today I worked on a deck on a deck. Yes, I meant to say that twice. I pre-drilled hundreds of holes, and drilled in just as many screws into all those holes. It was monotonous to the extreme and painful on my back.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Art Start
Today I got inspired to make some art. I wanted to create something special. I wasn't super successful, but it was a start.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Makes Cents
Today I went swimming. I found a penny in the water. After a bit of cleaning, I could barely read that it is almost 70 years old. I like to think it was in the water that whole time waiting for me to find it. I'm not sure why it would do such a thing, but that would be cool if that were the case.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Hot Day
Today was hot. It hit the triple digits. It was great weather to go swimming, but we didn't. Hopefully that will happen tomorrow.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Wild Waves
Today I went to Wild Waves with my siblings. It was one of the first hot days in a couple weeks, and a very hot day at that. For that reason, the park was extremely crowded. We still had fun. I won a large banana stuffed animal at a carnival type game where you had to knock down the containers. It took more tries than I wanted and a gracious game master to win, but that I did.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Shooting Star
Today, very early today, I watched a meteor shower with my two oldest siblings while we slept outside on the trampoline. It was spectacular. Thankfully, it was a clear night so the shooting stars could actually be seen.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Good Times
Today was a fun day. I played pickleball, sometimes poorly sometimes well. I then spent most of the rest of the day hanging out with my good friend and former roommate from college. Good times were had.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Today I finally finished staining some shingles at a house my dad has been working at. It took hours to stain each one individually. I had the area left to get that was very difficult to get from a ladder today. Thankfully, it is all done and looking very nice I might add.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Check Mate
Today I hung out with an old friend. Well, he isn't old, but it had been years since we last saw each other. In 8th grade, be beat me in a chess tournament. We became good friends after that. It took over 5 years, but I was finally vindicated after winning the two chess games we played today. I can now finally move on from that terrible defeat from so long ago.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Game Time
Today I am going the Mariners game with my dad. They will be the best seats I have ever watched a game from. Too bad the Mariners are playing so poorly.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Strike Out
Today was not the best day on record. It was mainly my fault that it wasn't. I think tomorrow will be much better, especially because I am going to the Mariners game with my dad.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Blind Steal
Today I went running in the rain. More noteworthy, yesterday I went to the Mariners game. My entire life I had tried to get a ball during batting practice unsuccessfully. Historically there have been a few close calls, but a baseball from the stadium has always been just out of my grasp . However, yesterday this changed. I saw everyone around me getting ready to catch a ball, but I couldn't see it in the sun. It almost hit me in the head and landed a few feet from me and I was able to pick it up before the people around me. Not exactly how I thought I would finally get a ball, but I'll take it.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Touch Up Down
Today I did some more painting. There were some tricky spots to paint from the roof. I was mainly doing touch up and trying to avoid needing touch up for my touch up. It can be a vicious cycle.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Paint On
Today I did some painting. The past few days, I have been working on painting some shingles on a house. It is a very slow process. Almost painfully slow.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Bad Shot
Today I went to pickleball. I hit the worst shot in my entire life. I don't know what I was thinking, I probably wasn't. I only remember flying through the air and hitting the ball clear across the gym. It was so bad everyone playing stopped to laugh.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Boss Man
Today I did some painting for my father. He is a good boss even when I am not the best employee.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Phone Calling
Today I looked at phones at the phone store. I have had my current phone for two years. It has been a good two years, but I think it is time for me to move on and finally upgrade. I'll probably get a phone with a keyboard, which would have seemed ridiculous to me a couple years ago.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
New Shoes Shows
Today I went running. I used some news shoes and they worked nicely. My other shoes probably have literally over a 1000 miles logged on them and they were definitely showing it and my feet were definitely feeling it when I ran in them. Maybe I will start running more often now that it doesn't hurt quite so much when I do now that I have some a better shoe.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Walk the Dog
Today I walked our dog. It is something I would like to do more often. It is good for both of us. While walking, a neighbor told my dog to be good and that he wasn't going to hurt him or me. That was comforting.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Lost Time
Today I went to pickleball for the first time in at least a week. My play showed it had been so long. I played the man singles. The first game was bad. Bad as in I didn't score a single point bad. After warming up and after such a thorough embarrassment, I won the next game. I think that was the only game I won all day, which was a good way to the end the rather bad day of pickleball.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Pressure Washing
Today I did some pressure washing. Actually, quite a bit of it. After hours of pressure washing, I was in need of one myself to clean off.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Drive Around
Today I did some work for my father. I mainly made trips back and forth picking up supplies, people, and food. I didn't mind though. It was nice to be able to help him out by just driving around.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Haircut Not Completely
Today I went swimming yet again. I also got a haircut and shaved off my beard. I was thinking of shaving my head bald again, but I didn't really want to get a massive sunburn on the top of my head which seemed inevitable if such an action was taken.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Swim More
Today I went swimming. It was very fun. I want to swim more often. Hopefully the weather will cooperate with such a request.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Run Around
Today I went running. Very early today. I honestly haven't been running nearly as often as I have historically, and I've been going shorter distances when I do go. This run, was long and uphill. My feet rebelled and were angry at my shoes and the constant pounding. It was nice to go running and a good way to finish my trip to Oregon. I'm very glad I didn't get any leg cramps on the drive home.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Today I am in Oregon. At least I assume that is where I will be as I am writing this before I leave. It will be nice to take a break from blogging today. Which is what I am doing by writing this in advance. Some might call this "cheating". However, it is my blog so I get to make the rules.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Road Trip
Today I am headed out with my brother on a road trip to Oregon. Once there, we will both head our own ways for a couple days. It will be nice to get out and do something.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Running Wild
Today I went running. It had been a couple days since I last went running. I would like to start running more. A little kid waved at me while I was running. I like to think I inspired him and maybe he will run someday. Either that, or maybe he was pointing at me because I looked funny and I was so out of it I thought he was waving.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Day Off
Today was one of those I wish I could redo. Not because anything terrible happened, but mainly because not much happened. Hopefully I will remember what I want to change and tomorrow and subsequent days will go differently.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Ticket Time
Today I decided to reward my painting efforts and buy some tickets to a Mariners game on eBay. Very good tickets. It had been quite some time since I last bought something on eBay. Unfortunately, there wasn't a last second frenzied bidding war but thankfully I won the tickets.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Yet Again
Today will basically be spent painting. All day. I'm not really looking forward to it. I think this will be the last day of saying this. At least I really hope so.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Big Boss
Today was a bit of a stressful day at the painting job. It started out with my boss's boss's boss wondering who I was and why I was at his house. Things didn't improve much from there. I am thankful for this job but will be very glad when it is over which hopefully is tomorrow.
Friday, July 16, 2010
More Paint
Today I did some more painting. There is still more to do. Tomorrow the job will hopefully be finished.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Pickleball and Painting
Today I went to pickleball. I wasn't close to making it at the 8:30am start time. I got a little more sleep than usual, but still not quite enough and didn't play quite as well as I can. I wish it didn't start so early in the morning. I also painted a master bedroom. I think I just might one day become a master master bedroom painter.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Floor no More
Today I did some indoor painting at a house my father is working at. It is very nice that they are putting in new carpet after the walls and ceiling are painted. This basically means the carpet is one big rag and it is okay to get paint on it. It still feels a bit wrong to get paint on the floor. I still try to avoid it even though it doesn't really matter. Some habits are difficult to break.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Times are Changing
Today I rode my bike to pickleball. I finally found out that pickleball starts at 8:30am, not 9:00am like I have thought all summer. I've been thinking I have been getting there just a bit late when I get there at 9:30am, but that is not at all the case. This morning, I got there earlier than I normally do, but still not near 8:30am. However, I didn't get too much sleep so I didn't play as well. Maybe next time I will get enough sleep and get there on time. That would be a first.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Run and Ride
Today I went running. I hadn't been running since I ran the 5K over a week ago. My little sister accompanied me on her bike. It was fun to have someone go running with me, even if they weren't technically running. It was also really nice that she carried my drink with her. Thanks sister!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
World Cup of Ice Cream
Today I watched some of the World Cup Final while having a pizza lunch with the family. When it went to overtime, I decided to watch the rest of the game on a big screen at Costco and buy some ice cream. It was a nice way to watch the game. Too bad I will have to wait another four years to repeat this fun and delicious experience.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Happy Birthday Mom
Today is my Mother's birthday. Happy birthday Mom! Thanks for being a great mom and person. Last night I slept outside on the trampoline with my brother and sister. It was fun to fall asleep under the stars and it wasn't too cold during the night. I think it will have to happen more often, especially if the weather stays cooperative.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Swimming Weather
Today the weather was nice yet again. We went out the lake and went swimming. It was fun and a nice way to cool off during this hot weather. The raft we built last year is still working and a lot of fun.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Hot Day
Today it is hot again. I played pickleball this morning. I played the man and lost my first two games but won the last one we played. I think I am about to go swimming for the first time in quite some time.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Warm Weed Eating
Today it is very hot. It is about time it feels like summer. I did some weed eating this morning until it got too hot to continue. Thankfully, I was able to finish the job just a bit after I was feeling exhausted.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Fun Sun
Today I played pickleball. I've noticed how well I play is exponentially related to the amount of sleep I get the night before. My uncle and cousin are in town for a couple days from southern California. It looks like they may have brought up some nice weather with them.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Fireworks on the Fifth
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The 4th
Today is the 4th of July. A day to watch other people light off fireworks and to have a barbecue.I hear some outdoor pickleball might even go down.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Race On
Today I ran my first official 5K. Last night, my father told me about one at the island he has been painting a house on. With little training in that distance or expectations, I decided I would go for it. It was two laps around the island. There were about twenty other runners and a bunch of walkers going one lap around the island. I ran until it hurt and then ran some more until I crossed the finish line. I ended up finishing in 19 minutes and 16 seconds and was second place overall. Not too bad.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Game On
Today I played pickleball. The Man challenged me to a game of singles. It had been such a long time since we last battled, I didn't know how well I would do. I eventually won the first game, which means I did very well. Fatigue set in during the next two games which I lost, but in a respectable manner. Hopefully there will be many more such battles and occasional victories.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Human Plow
Today I did some digging and shoveling. Quite a bit of it actually. I was basically a human plow. My sister had a soccer game today. She played well and even got an assist. In my book, which doesn't exist yet, that is just as good as scoring a goal if not better. Watching the game made me really want to play soccer. Being a girls under 19 game, today wasn't the day for that though.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Up Early
Today was the earliest I have woken up for quite some time. I did some yard work for my grandparents before pickleball. Perhaps waking up early helped my game because I played well today. I don't know if it is something I want to do on a regular basis though. It didn't help that much.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Doing Work
Today I did some work. Outside and in the kitchen. I baked some cookies. I can't remember the last time I baked something, which is rather sad. The cookies were really good though. I need to start baking more. I am making progress on finding a job, at least hopefully.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Relaxing Day
Today was a nice relaxing day spent with the family. Hopefully I can find a job or something to do this summer soon. Relaxing is fun, but only for so long.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Yard Work
Today I went running. I also did some yard work for my father at our house. It was a very nice day.
Friday, June 25, 2010
On the Road Again
Today I went running on my old route again. It was the first time in quite some time that I have ran that far. I also spent some more time cleaning my room, which sadly needs even more time.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Do Work
Today I worked. I still haven't found a job, but my father needed help at the house he was painting. I painted for him and also worked for a guy who was in charge of landscape. I used a weed-burner, which is basically a quasi flamethrower. It was fun, but I am exhausted.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Pickleballed Out
Today I rode my bike to pickleball. My game is still not nearly what it used to be, but I am improving. I rode my bike back home after 2.5 hours of pickleball and was basically wiped out for the next couple of hours.
Monday, June 21, 2010
One More Thing
Today I went running and did some more reading. I also emailed someone about a job I am hoping to get. That would be ideal.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Great Man
Today is Father's Day. There doesn't need to be a special day for me to know how special my father is. He is a great man and great example to me of what it is to be a man. He puts up with a lot from me. Thanks for everything Dad!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Work Out
Today I started a new book. I also went running. Now if I could just find some sort of work to do. Reading, running and relaxing is good, but working on top of all those things is even better.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Likes Bikes
Today I rode bikes with my little sister and brother. I actually rode my sister's bike and used her helmet. I think I may get a bike of my own. Historically I have enjoyed riding bikes and it would be nice to have one at college.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Great Game
Today I watched one of the best basketball games I have ever seen. It was a game seven of the NBA Finals, so it had great potential. The game didn't disappoint even if the result did. I almost always root for a game seven, not really a team, so I got my wish.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Room to Change
Today I started cleaning my room. It is difficult moving all my stuff from college back in to my old room with my other stuff. There is only so much room.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Read One
Today I finished reading my first book of the summer. I started it yesterday. I want to read a lot this summer. Hopefully I will find other stuff to do and preferably some sort of a job, but I'll read until I do.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Read and Run
Today I went running. It had been quite some time since I last ran due to having finals and poor weather. I also read quite a bit. It was nice to be able to read a book I wanted, not just a textbook.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Fishing Fun
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Dorm Done
Today is probably the last day I will ever spend in a college dorm. I have enjoyed my two years living in the dorms and will miss them.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Packing Stuff
Today is my last full day at college for this school year. I will miss this place. Packing all my belongings is reminding me of the fun times I've had.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Free Time
Today it felt good to be done with finals. I didn't really know what to do with all my free time. As is custom, I got robbed by textbook buyback. I also started packing because it will be a long process.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Finish Line
Today I had one of the most difficult finals I have ever had. It also happened to be at 8:00am which didn't make it any easier. Right after I finished that final, I had my last final. There were eight potential final essay questions, my professor was going to pick four of them and we had to write on two of them. Unfortunately, my professor picked the four I didn't really want to write on. However, I am now done with finals and done with this school year. Sometimes it is more of a crawl across the finish line, but you still do just that, cross the finish line.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Study Time
Today I had my first final. It was also my easiest final. It is good to have one out of the way. It will be better when my last two tomorrow morning are out of the way. They aren't going to be easy. It is study time.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
End Days
Today is the last Sunday of this school year. It makes me a bit sad. It doesn't help any that I have a lot of studying to do.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Liking Biking
Today my roommate and I were walking to a picnic/celebration at a park a couple miles from campus. On our way, we discovered two free bikes. It wasn't pretty, but they helped us get there faster. The picnic was a lot of fun with friends, food, football and a giant pinata. I even got a nice little sunburn.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Almost Over
Today I had my last class of this quarter and school year. It has gone by quickly. I'm not sure if I am ready for this year to be over. Perhaps hours of studying for finals will quickly change that.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Game Over
Today was my last day of my Economics class. I do have the final left, and it is going to be quite the final. I had my last psychology class yesterday which means I only have one last class tomorrow before all I have left for this year is finals. It is crazy.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Today I finished my paper. It has been weighing me down for quite some time. While trying to print it this morning before class, page 13 would not print properly. It took four tries, a restart of the computer, several checks of the printer cables, the help of my roommate and a full 15 minutes to get the page to print properly. Thankfully, it eventually printed and I got it turned in.
There was quite the torrential downpour today and I was outside for quite an extended time in it and got a very thorough soaking. A friend of mine beat me in an epic overtime ping pong battle. It was the first time in two years and countless games that he had been able to do so.
There was quite the torrential downpour today and I was outside for quite an extended time in it and got a very thorough soaking. A friend of mine beat me in an epic overtime ping pong battle. It was the first time in two years and countless games that he had been able to do so.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Go Time
Today is my last full day to work on my essay. It has turned out to be quite the project and taken up quite a bit more time and effort than I thought or at least hoped. I suppose that is only to be expected with an essay that is worth 40% of my final grade for the class. There will be an over joyous celebration when I am done with this essay
Monday, May 31, 2010
Remembering Memorial Day
Today I would like to thank all the people who have fought for this country and our freedom. I spent most of today writing an essay, thinking about my essay, and thinking about writing my essay. Reflecting on all the sacrifices people and families have gone through so I could be sitting here writing this essay, my essay writing problems didn't seem like a big deal at all.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Old Yauger
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Plan of Attack
Friday, May 28, 2010
Here We Go
Today I finally started putting words on 'paper' for my essay. Yesterday, I sketched out a plan of action on my whiteboard. Now I just need to focus and continue to chip away at this essay.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Good Game Theorist
Today I learned a lesson in my game theory class. Being a good person and a good game theorist don't usually line up. We played a game where you and a random person in the class were competing for extra points on the midterm and didn't know what the other person was going to do. I chose action y which would benefit both of us equally. The other person, however, chose action z which was purely in their own self interest. It left me with zero points and them with 6. That is what can happen when you try to be a generous person in game theory, you get burned.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Rec Wreck
Today I went to the Rec Center for the first time in quite some time. It is finally starting to hit me that this year is almost over. This makes me sad.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Game Time
Today I got back my Economics quiz. I didn't do well on it. However, it doesn't really matter much grade wise. It does make me very afraid of the looming final though, very afraid.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Same Old
Today is the last Monday with classes of this quarter. It is hard to believe this fact. It also makes me nervous about my essay I need to write because it is going to be due before I know it. It almost seems rigged, but I got the same score on my psychology test for the third time in a row. I should find out how I did on my Economics quiz tomorrow, although I almost always get the same score on that too.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Weekend not Weak
Today is the end to yet another fun weekend. I finally started thinking about my research paper I need to start writing. I also took a nice nap to catch up on sleep. I think it has been a rather productive day so far.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Busy Day
Today has been a busy day. There are a lot of things going on this weekend. Fairly soon, I need to start writing my research paper. I think it can wait though.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Today is yet another Friday. I can't believe this quarter is almost over. Not just this quarter, but this school year in fact. Crazy.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Today I had a quiz in Economics. The class is progressively getting more difficult, but that isn't too surprising. What was a surprise to me was that I was supposed to register for classes for the fall already. I had no clue. Thankfully, I was able to register for some classes I want/need.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Four More
Today I had a test in psychology. I think it went well. I also found out my professor accidently gave everybody four less points than he meant to on my political science midterm so that was a nice bonus. (It had totalled up to 96 points instead of 100). I like these extra points I have been getting.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Plus One
Today I got back my test in Economics that I resubmitted thinking I deserved more points on a few problems. Perhaps out of pity, I got one extra point. I'm not going to complain. I'll take all the extra points I can get.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Goodness Cake
Today is Monday. I was at four birthday celebrations for three different people over the weekend. It was a lot of fun and a lot of cake. I've had seven pieces of cake in the past three days. That is a lot of cake. I would probably say an unhealthy amount of cake and that two types of cake followed by a piece of pie are not an adequate dinner.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Happy Birthday!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Starting Now
Today has just started, well at least for me. However, I will most likely be busy all day, so if I am going to post something today, it needs to happen now. That being said, I haven't really done anything yet so there isn't really much to say.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Skip Skip
Today I was more tempted than I have been for quite some time to skip my classes. I got to sleep in, so it wasn't really that. Perhaps the nicer weather was a major factor. Also, I wouldn't have missed anything important. That being said, I went to my classes, which is a good thing. Don't skip your classes. It isn't worth it. At least, don't make it a habit.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Double Trouble
Today I finally filled out the application for a camp I would like to work at this summer. I've been putting it off, but I finally took the time to fill it out. Not only that, but when I submitted it the first time something was wrong so it all got erased so I actually filled it all out twice. Maybe that will double my chances.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Frisbee Fun and Done
Today I didn't have my first class. I planned on going running before my class, but I slept in too late. I was able to throw a frisbee around after class which was fun. Sadly, I broke my second frisbee this year, although this time it actually wasn't my fault.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Run Redo
Today I had an Economics quiz. I'm afraid it don't go as well as I hoped. However, it doesn't really matter grade wise and is a nice way to find out what I need to work on for the test. With this nicer weather, I have decided to go running more. So with that in mind, I woke up early enough to study for my quiz and go running before class today. Hopefully, it is something I continue.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Today I had plans to wake up earlier than I normally do and go running. However, I was really tired this morning and decided to just sleep in. It was nice and I was able to go running this afternoon. I think I made the right decision.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
Today is Mother's Day. While I don't need a holiday to remember it, I have a great mom. It has been nice to be home this weekend with the family. Today we had a picnic lunch at the park and I also went bowling with my brother. It will be difficult to return to the classroom tomorrow. Happy Mother's Day Mom!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Home Court
Today it was nice to be home. I went running on my old route. We tried out a frisbee golf course. Tonight, we are going to a Mother's Day dinner.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Home Front
Today I had my political science midterm. I really didn't know what to expect and I wasn't quite prepared, so I got up 'early' to study for it this morning. I feel like it went well. After my classes, I got a ride home. It is great to be home with the family. It has been a fun evening.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Excellent Question
Today I have quite a bit of studying I need to get done. An average of 3-4 times per class, my professor says, "now that would make an excellent midterm question" or something along those lines. The class meets 3 times a week and it is week number 5 of classes. This means I have over 50 such possible midterm questions. It is hard to know what I need to know for this test tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Cinco de Mustache

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Score More
Today I got back my Economic midterm. I've gotten 8/10 on both the quizzes, so true to form, I got an 80% on the midterm. Not too bad, especially considering the tricky nature of some of the questions and their answers. After a curve is applied, the grade is even higher and after my 2.75 points are added, it is even higher.
For the first time that I can remember, I decided to argue I should have gotten more points than I did on a few problems. Usually, I figure it isn't worth it to bicker over a few points. However, he said if we thought we should get more points to write out an explanation and he would look at it. We'll see what happens.
For the first time that I can remember, I decided to argue I should have gotten more points than I did on a few problems. Usually, I figure it isn't worth it to bicker over a few points. However, he said if we thought we should get more points to write out an explanation and he would look at it. We'll see what happens.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Test Two
Today I had my second test in my psychology class. I honestly didn't put that much work in for the first one, and still got a decent grade. I feel like I put in a bit more work for this test, but probably not by much if that is even true. I feel like I did about the same on this test. I'm just glad it is over. I found out I have a midterm on Friday that I thought was later. Time to get working on that.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sunday Less Fun Day
Today I had some studying to get done. I studied quite a bit yesterday, so thankfully I already had quite a bit done. Even though it was raining, it was hard to study. There are so many other ways I would rather spend a Sunday afternoon and I had to fit in my Sunday afternoon nap as well.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Prove It
Today I was able to get some studying done. The days isn't over, so there is even the possibility more studying could get done. I also went to the rec center. I played a game of H-O-R-S-E with a friend of mine. I was down and needed to decided who was "going to prove it". If I missed, I lost. If I let him take the shot and he made it, I lost. I decided to take the shot, I missed. Game over. Perhaps I should have put the pressure on him. I'm sure my game theory class would have had something to say about who should have taken the shot.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Work Time
Today is Friday. I am happy it is the weekend again. That said, I have quite a bit of work I need to do for a test on Monday. I also have another midterm coming up soon I should start to think about. Hopefully, fun will also be had this weekend. Although I am not too worried about the fun part, more the studying part.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Game Time
Today I didn't get back my Economics midterm like I thought that I might. However, I did add an extra 2.75 points to my score on it class today. Being a game theory class, we play lots of games for rather obvious reasons. We played a game today that involved distributing 5 points and someone asked if these points meant anything. The class convinced the professor they should, so he decided he will add the points to our midterm.
The game was rather simple. Half the class would decide how they wanted to distribute their 5 points with another random person in the class. If this other person agreed to the proposal, you would both get the specified amount. If the person rejected the offer, both would get nothing.
Being a budding game theorist, I knew theoretically I could offer the other person only 1 point and they were better off taking it. I had to balance my selfishness and generosity. I was going to put 2.5 points for both of us, but I mean these points were going towards the midterm so I offered 2.75 points for myself and 2.25 for the other. Thankfully, they accepted my offer. I feel a bit guilty, but other offers were definitely less generous than my own but that shouldn't really make me feel any better either.
The game was rather simple. Half the class would decide how they wanted to distribute their 5 points with another random person in the class. If this other person agreed to the proposal, you would both get the specified amount. If the person rejected the offer, both would get nothing.
Being a budding game theorist, I knew theoretically I could offer the other person only 1 point and they were better off taking it. I had to balance my selfishness and generosity. I was going to put 2.5 points for both of us, but I mean these points were going towards the midterm so I offered 2.75 points for myself and 2.25 for the other. Thankfully, they accepted my offer. I feel a bit guilty, but other offers were definitely less generous than my own but that shouldn't really make me feel any better either.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Long Day
Today has been a long day. It has also been nice outside, but sadly I spent most of today inside. It is hard to believe it is almost summer already. I dont really want to think about it right now because that means I need to decide what I am doing this summer.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Game Time
Today I had my Economics midterm I have been posting about for quite some time. For perhaps the first time in my life, I was prepared to fail this test. I had no clue what to expect and even worse, no idea what to study. That aside, I have really been enjoying this class. I'm not entirely sure, but I feel like the test went well or at least a lot better than I thought it might.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Hi Steaks
Today it was back to the classroom after a fun weekend. Last night, my roommate and I cooked steaks. It was most delectable. I have my Economics midterm tomorrow I need to study for. I really wish I knew what I need to know for this test.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Fun Times
Today is Sunday. The Mexico Reunion last night was a lot of fun. It was great to see everyone again and have a good time and enjoy a good meal together. Hopefully today I can get in a little bit of homework and also enjoy the nice weather.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Work Party and Party
Today I participated in another work party. It was actually quite fun after the pain of waking up early wore off. A group of us pulled weeds and had a good time together doing so. In both gardens and life, weeds need to be pulled out before flowers can be planted. Tonight, my Mexico team is having a reunion. I'm excited to see everyone again, although it will be a bit weird seeing them all not in Mexico.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Week End
Today is Friday. I can't believe how fast this quarter has gone by. It seems like it started just the other day. However, I know that not to be the case because I have a midterm next week. Quite possibly this is the scariest midterm I have ever had at least preparation wise.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
True and False
Today I got back a quiz in my Economics class. I did better than I thought I may have. However, it was a bit frustrating to miss a true or false question that was only wrong because my answer to the previous question was wrong. I still think I was right, at least about the true or false question. Historically, I do poorly on true or false. I think I would do better if I just randomly picked an answer. At least I would have a 50% chance that way.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Today is Wednesday. The weather had been getting nicer lately, but now it has been raining the past few days. It helped remind me to balance my time between recreation and schoolwork. It is difficult, especially spring quarter, but classes need to be my priority.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sleep Talk
Today, very early today, I woke myself up talking in my sleep. It was a strange feeling. I think I was dreaming about needles, but I said something about screws. I had an Economics quiz. I am not sure how well it went. It is confusing stuff. Thankfully, it was just a quiz and hopefully I did alright on it.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Bug Break
Today is another Monday. I woke up early enough to get some reading homework done and go running. While running down a huge hill, I inhaled a bug. I'm not exactly sure what it was, but I know it ended up getting consumed. I've got another Economics quiz to study for at some point today. However, I am going to go out and enjoy the nice weather while it is here right now.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunny Sunday
Today it is sunny outside, at least for now. I plan to get some homework done and hopefully get outside and enjoy the nice weather. I think spring is now here.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Good Morning
Today I participated in a work day. This means I was doing work, but the money raised was being donated to a group I am a part of. It was nice to be able to help out the lady we worked for, and the organization she will donate to. It was a good way to spend a Saturday morning.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Time Flies
Today is Friday. This quarter has been going by fast. It seems like just the other day I was disappointed it was Monday and ready for the weekend. The next thing I know, it is here again. Which reminds me, I have quite a few decisions about next year I need to make. The next thing I know, it will be here too.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Game On
Today I went running before my first class. I've really liked trying to be more productive with my time in the morning before I have classes. I got back my first Economics quiz today. I scored a bit higher than the class average and overall did fairly well on it. Tomorrow I should find out how I did on my first psychology test. Hopefully that went well too.
We had an interesting experiment in my game theory class today. There were 34 of us in the class. Our professor gave each of us a piece of paper and we could either choose 5 points or 1 point of extra credit towards our midterm. The catch was that if over 7 people chose 5 points, then nobody would get any. Turns out, half the class chose the five points so nobody ended up getting any. I'm not going to lie, I was one of the people who picked 5 points. I went back and forth on which to choose, and felt a bit bad for being so self interested, but I guess it didn't really matter which is what I figured would happen. It would have been sweet to get 5 extra points towards my midterm though.
We had an interesting experiment in my game theory class today. There were 34 of us in the class. Our professor gave each of us a piece of paper and we could either choose 5 points or 1 point of extra credit towards our midterm. The catch was that if over 7 people chose 5 points, then nobody would get any. Turns out, half the class chose the five points so nobody ended up getting any. I'm not going to lie, I was one of the people who picked 5 points. I went back and forth on which to choose, and felt a bit bad for being so self interested, but I guess it didn't really matter which is what I figured would happen. It would have been sweet to get 5 extra points towards my midterm though.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Psych Out
Today I had my first psychology test. I spent most of this morning studying for it. I feel like I did fairly well on it. There were a few questions where there were two answers that seemed appropriate, so hopefully I picked the more appropriate answer, although historically that isn't the case. The past few days, I've been a lot more productive with my time, especially in the mornings. Perhaps because of tests it was basically forced upon me, but it is something I would like to continue and make more of a habit.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Painful Reminder
Today I had my first Economics quiz at noon. I woke up early and was studying for it this morning. I decided to take a little break from studying and attempted to recline in my chair. I reclined a bit too far, and the chair fell completely backwards with me in it. I hit the ground fairly hard. It hurt, but not too bad thankfully. It was a rather painful reminder to get back to studying. I feel like the quiz went well. Now I just need to get ready for my Psychology test tomorrow and hopefully not need to fall out of any more chairs to remember to do so.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Refresh Focus
Today is Monday which means the weekend is over. As of late, especially with the weather getting nicer, it has been a bit difficult to focus on schoolwork. I would much rather being doing other stuff than homework most days. Complicating matters, I don't really have much day to day homework to do, mainly reading to stay caught up on and studying of lecture notes. I have a quiz and a test this week, so I needed to stay diligent when it comes to school today. I think I did a fairly good job of this.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Relaxing Sunday
Today I spent most of the day relaxing. I have an economics quiz on Tuesday and my first psychology test on Wednesday. I probably should have studied more for them this weekend. However, I don't really know what to expect for either one, and still need to find a copy of the psychology book.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
MS Walk

Today I got up early and went to the local MS walk. I've seen firsthand the impact MS has in my Mom's life and walked on her behalf and for all others impacted by this disease. Not only that, but the National MS Society has been very generous in helping to fund my education and it was nice to be able to support them in some way. It was quite a bit of fun and I was really happy I was able to participate.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Trail Run
Today is Friday. One of my classes was cancelled, so I only had one class. This provided me time to go running before class. I went trail running to a waterfall near campus. It had been quite some time since I went trail running, it won't be nearly that long before I go again.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Today is my 1000th post. Wow. I didn't know if my blog would make it past day one, let alone to post number 1000. For reference, here is my 100th post. I wonder if there will be 1000 more posts?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Boring Classes
Today both of my classes seemed exceptionally boring. I guess some days are like that. Hopefully, it wasn't a sign of things to come.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Whether the Weather is Good or Bad
Today my first class was at noon. Before class, I decided to go running. I got all ready to go running and then looked out the window to see that it was raining. I decided rain wasn't going to stop me, just probably slow me down. However, when I started running, the rain stopped. The sun even broke through the clouds for a bit. I like to think my running had something to do with that.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Game On
Today was the first Monday of the quarter. So far, I am happy with my classes and schedule. I've decided to try eating healthier for one week. I'm not quite as happy with that. Hopefully, it won't just be a week. The goal is to eat really healthy for one week, in other words no desserts, and then hopefully moderately healthy for the foreseeable future. Today at dinner, I ate a salad. I definitely paused by the dessert section for quite some time. I eventually walked away proud of my restraint, but disappointed to not have the cake and ice cream that looked so good.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Sunday
Today was Easter. I am thankful for the real reason behind Easter, although all the food and candy is good too. I had fun hanging out with friends today. Actually, that is what I did basically all weekend and it was a very good weekend.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Relaxing Saturday
Today is Saturday. It is my first Saturday in quite some time where I can actually relax and am not travelling. I plan to go watch a movie with friends. I should maybe do some homework as well, but that probably won't happen today.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Good Friday
Today is Good Friday. So far it has been just that, a good Friday. Not great, not terrible. I'm thankful it is the weekend and that the first week of classes is over. I am also thankful for Good Friday and what it represents.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Cake Walk
Today was my third day of classes. It is still too early to tell, but I think I am going to like my classes. In my game theory class, we will actually be playing games which is fun. Tonight at dinner, I decided I wasn't going to have dessert. Not only that, but I had a salad instead of dessert. On my way out of the dining hall, I stopped by the dessert station, just to see what I was missing out on. It was a bad idea because they had good looking cake and an ice cream flavor I like that they rarely have. However, I eventually continued walking and left the dining hall. It was a major victory.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Day One on Day Two
Today was my second day of classes. I had my political science and psychology classes for the first time. It is a bit eary to tell, but I think I will enjoy my classes this quarter. I went running down to the bay. It had been quite a while since I last ran in Bellingham. I'm hoping to make it more of a habit, especially as the weather gets nice.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
First Day of Classes
Today was my first day of classes. Well I only had one class, so I guess it was my first day of class. It went better than I thought. It is my first upper level economics class, so I didn't really know what to expect. I think I may enjoy it, but it will be a lot of work. It is hard to believe just a couple days ago I was in Mexico, now I am back to the old school routine.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
One Big Adventure
Wow. The last week has been crazy. It is hard to adequately describe everything that happened. It was probably the best week of my life. It was such an amazing opportunity to go down to Mexico and be able to help the people out. In the process, I had a blast. From day one with the black widow spider in the room to the last day with trying to make it to our flight on time, the entire trip was one big adventure. The other people on the team were great and we all became close friends. The trip was not just about having fun, and I learned a lot of lessons that I believe will stick with me for the rest of my life.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Mexico Day 8
Today is my last day in Mexico. I should arrive to Seattle at 10:48pm and then get a ride back to Bellingham. I wonder how the trip went. I'll probably be tired but will probably report on how it went tomorrow.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Mexico Day 7
I almost feel like it is cheating to write before and not post on every day. However, this is my blog, and I can do what I want. It has also been so long, it would be disappointing to miss a day when I knew it would happen. I want to miss because I am running to get to a computer at the last minute or something, not just because I know I won't be by a computer.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Mexico Day 6
Even though I was so close to the Winter Olympics, I never made it to watch them. However, my American flag did with a friend of mine. Sadly, my flag never made it back. A friend borrowed the flag from my friend and had it stolen by mobbing Canadians after they won the hockey game.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Mexico Day 5
I still have one grade I don't know yet from last quarter. So far, I've gotten a B+ in all of my classes. That isn't too bad, but it is a bit painful considering I got an 89.5% and a 88.8%. In each class, I was literally one point away from getting an A-. I can look back on my tests and remember the one question that was the difference between not getting a higher grade. Who knows, I may even get a B+ in my other class and end up with four of them.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Mexico Day 4
As I write this today, I wonder what I will be doing in Mexico. I also wonder what the weather will be like, if I will be sunburned, and if so, how bad. Hopefully we are getting a lot done, and everyone is in good health.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Mexico Day 3
The other day, I tried to learn how to do cartwheels. They look so easy. I had quite a bit of trouble. After over an hour and a half and dozens of failed attempts, I decided it was time to quit. Later that day, a little girl went by doing cartwheel after cartwheel. I was disgusted, she made it look so simple, but my aching body was telling me otherwise. I will continue to practice and hopefully eventually be able to do cartwheels.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Mexico Day 2
I've started to like to play basketball recently. It is one of the few sports I didn't play when I was younger. I was on a rec team and have started shooting hoops at the Rec Center. I even played in a game on what I like to call the man court against really good basketball players, most of which were a foot taller than me.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Mexico Day 1
I've decided to write posts for the next week. I don't know if I'll have internet access in Mexico. I leave home early in the morning and fly to San Diego. We are then driving across the border. This will be my first time outside the U.S. in recent memory. I was well traveled when I was little, but sadly don't remember any of it.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Family Fun
Today was my last day home before heading off for Mexico. It was nice to be with the family. I even got to see my little cousins who were in town. I wish I could stay home with the family for longer, but I'm also really excited to be headed to Mexico for a week.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Missed Shot
Today it was nice to be home. It was also nice to be able to go to pickleball. It had been almost three months since I last played. Considering that fact, I played fairly well. I sacrificed my body trying to make a shot on one play, and now have a rug burn on my knee and finger. I wish I could say it was worth it, but I missed the shot.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Over Time
Today I had my last two finals. I can't believe this quarter is over. I can't believe I am headed home in a few hours before heading to Mexico for a week.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Today I didn't have any finals. It was nice to sleep in and not even care when I got up. What wasn't so nice was finding out when I got to the Rec Center that the hot tub was closed. I've pretty much wrapped up all the studying I feel I need to do, and am ready to take my last two tests and finish this quarter.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Final Frontier
Today I had two finals. They were also the two finals I was most worried about. I put quite a bit of time in studying over the weekend for them. They both went a lot better than I hoped. I even felt like it was theoretically possible I got near perfect on both of them. Mainly, I was just glad to have them out of the way. Doing well on them was just a bonus. I was a bit worried when I got to class when I thought the final was going on and nobody was there. I was worried I had missed it. Eventually, I figured out I thought it started at the wrong time and was 30 minutes early.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Spring Forward
Today I planned to study all day. That is a bit of difficult goal to achieve. I would like to blame spring forward for throwing everything out of whack. I didn't study nearly as much as I hoped to, but I still feel I can do decently well on my finals. I am mainly at the point where I am just glad they will be over soon. However, I am not looking forward to my two difficult finals tomorrow.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Study Session
Today I had a lot of studying to do. There were several things I wanted to go to, but I couldn't justify going and not studying. Ideally I could have gone to these things and studied, but that usually isn't the case. It also helped me to studying knowing I didn't go to those things because I was going to study, so I was going to make certain that is in fact what I did while I stayed behind.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Last Day
Today was the last day of classes for this quarter. I can't believe it. I also can't believe how much knowledge I need to cram into my brain before Monday. It is overwhelming.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Passed Up
Today I completed what may have been the last math assignment I will ever have. It was a bittersweet moment. I am glad to almost be done with this math class, but I've enjoyed math for a long time. I also had a meeting for a group project. This may be one of the few group project assignments I have that works out smoothly, but only time will tell if that is the case. At dinner, there was cookie dough ice cream. I had already finished dinner, and actually dessert, but cookie dough ice cream is a rarity that can not be passed up.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Do Work
Today is Wednesday. I can't believe I will be done with finals in one week. I can't believe this quarter will be over that soon. I can believe that I really need to buckle down and do work now.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Mad Hops
Today I slept in. It felt good. I haven't been getting as much sleep as I should. I also went to the Rec Center, which isn't much of a surprise, but I went there mainly to shoot hoops. I've recently started to like shooting hoops. Maybe eventually I'll even work my way to play in one of the pick-up games. While shooting hoops today, the ball got stuck by the rim. It was beyond my hopping abilities to get it down, so I had to recruit someone else to get it down. I guess I shouldn't have been embarrassed about it. I just felt bad having to interrupt there game.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Do and Due
Today was the first day of dead week. I can't believe dead week is here already. I got my calculus test back and got the best grade I've gotten so far on my latest test. It was a good way to start this week. I have a few projects I need to get done. I keep reminding myself how close I am to the finish, but that doesn't really help anything. It just reminds me how much I need to do and that a lot is soon due.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Blame Game
Today I got quite a bit of reading homework done. I also took a nap, but I think the reading homework is to blame for that. I wrote out a list of everything I have left to do this quarter. It doesn't seem like that much, but when compared to how much time is left this quarter, it does.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Two Weeks Notice
Today I had a team meeting for my mission trip to Mexico. I can't believe that two weeks from now I will be in Mexico. It is hard to believe. There is a lot of stuff that needs to get done before then, including several finals.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Great Friday
Today is Friday. I was worried about my calculus test the past few days, especially today leading up to the test. I feel like it went well and there was only one problem I was a bit unsure on. I also got two grades back today on assignments I didn't even know were being graded. I think it was the first time I got an A for something being "provocative".
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Go Noon
Today I didn't have class until noon. It felt good to sleep in. I kept waking up and setting my alarm clock later and later. It was a great feeling. I have a calculus test tomorrow, that is not such a great feeling. It would be really nice if it went well. Thankfully, I don't think it is do or die in terms of doing well in the class. It would definitely help though if it went well.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Today I changed my schedule. It is very likely that I will change it again. I don't think I will be graduating at the end of this year, although I could if I wanted to. I am not sure if I want to, or if I should want to. It is a confusing time in my life and academic career right now.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Major Decisions
Today I registered for classes. To my complete shock, it is very feasible that I will graduate after this next quarter. I was not expecting this at all, and am not sure if I am mentally prepared for that quite yet. I thought I was going to be here for another year, now I'm not so sure. I have some major decisions to make in the next few days. In other news, I was holding a door open for a person today and they said "hello" and then "I mean thanks", it was funny.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Schedule Time
Today was a long Monday. I was busy for over 12 straight hours, basically without break. I register for classes tomorrow, and I have yet to look at classes or even plan any sort of potential schedule. I am getting to the point in my academic career where I need to really make sure I am taking classes I need to take. I need to figure out a schedule now and hope I can get in all the class I want/need.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Weak End
Today is the last day of the weekend. I don't know where it all went. Probably a lot of it was spent sleeping and napping. I didn't get much sleep last night, so I got fell asleep several times this afternoon. I also got quite a bit of reading homework done. There is still time for fun before this weekend is over, if not, there is always next weekend.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Relaxing Day
Today I got caught up on my sleep. I normally play soccer on Saturdays, but I slept in too late to make it on time. I also started my homework today, so hopefully I will be able to relax tomorrow. Although today was pretty relaxing, so tomorrow doesn't have to be. I may try to get to the Olympics.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Forget It
Today is Friday. I had a math quiz today I forgot to study for much more than a few minutes before class. However, I think I did fairly well on it. It will be nice to not have much homework or studying to do this weekend. That time will come soon enough when it gets closer to finals time.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Booking It
Today is Thursday. This week has gone by fast. I've been getting my homework done ahead of time, which is nice. It will also be nice when it is the weekend. It is hard to believe this quarter is almost over.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Rains and Pours
Today it rained. The weather has been really nice lately. I can't remember the last time it rained as hard as it did today let alone rained much at all. I also didn't really follow my plan for eating less and healthier. I guess when it rains, it pours.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Today my healthier eating plan was put to the test. I was doing fine until I saw someone with a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone. I couldn't resist getting dessert and really didn't want to leave the dining hall hungry. However, I didn't eat nearly as much as I did yesterday so at least there was some improvement.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Fried Rice, Pizza, Hamburger, Fries, Cake, Ice Cream
Today I decided to try out a new theory. The plan is that if I eat a lot of unhealthy food in the dining hall on a Monday, I will remember the rest of the week that it wasn't worth it and will eat healthy the rest of the week. I hope it works and I really gave it a go tonight eating a lot. Right now I feel really full and that I majorly negated the effort I put in at the Rec Center today. Hopefully I didn't learn that eating a lot of unhealthy food is fun or delicious, which it can be. That wouldn't be healthy or the goal of this experiment.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Layup Layout
Today I had some major work to do on the essay I didn't work on much yesterday. I spent quite a bit of the day in the computer lab working on it. I did take a break from essay writing to play in an intramural basketball game. It was fun even though I had no clue what I was doing besides running around madly. I almost made a layup on a breakaway, but I missed and the defender landed on top of me and now my thumb, knee and leg hurt.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Fun Day
Today was such nice a day outside, I spent most of it outside. I had a lot of fun playing soccer, frisbee and even some volleyball. However, this means I really didn't make the progress on my essay that I wanted to. I guess there is always tomorrow.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Fairly Fast Friday
Today is Friday. This past week went by fairly fast. It also feels good to have midterms out of the way. Unfortunately, my professor assigned an essay today that is due on Monday. That means a good chunk of my weekend will be spent writing this essay. The goal is to get it finished tomorrow so I can relax on Sunday. That is the ideal plan, but we'll see what happens in actuality.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Put to the Test
Today I got back my calculus test. I didn't do nearly as bad as I thought on it. That being said, there is still quite a bit of room for improvement. I went jogging for the second time this week today. It feels good to be out running around the town again. Well, the blister on a blister on my foot is telling me otherwise.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Grades Gotten
Today I got back two midterms. Overall, I did alright on both of them. I would have preferred to have done a bit better on one of them, but the multiple choice problems really confused me and hurt my grade. I should get my math test back tomorrow. I'm not really looking forward to the score I got on it, because it can't be very good. I guess it is a bit unrealistic to expect to do good on everything all the time.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Dog Gone
Today I had a calculus test. It didn't go too well. I knew most of the concepts, but struggled with the application problems which is what most of the test was comprised of. I mean, your dog can't create doggy biscuits to sell to its dog friends professor, seriously. I should have put that for an answer. I have to wait and see just how bad I did. Thankfully, it wasn't do or die, but it would have been nice to have done better on it.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Weekend Wrap Up
Today I have to do the schoolwork I have been putting off all weekend. I have a calculus test tomorrow I need to study for. I also have some reading to finish before Wednesday. I always tell myself I should space stuff out and not save everything for the last day of the weekend, but that rarely happens.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day
Today is Valentine's Day. I want to wish a happy Valentine's Day to all my readers. Historically, I haven't been a huge fan of the day myself. My opinion changed a bit yesterday after spending the day making Valentine's Day cards with friends and watching movies and of course you can't forget all the candy and chocolate that is eaten. To clarify for one of my readers, or perhaps to all of them, a win-win situation would have been a better description of staying at college as opposed to going home for the weekend. I called it a lose-lose. I'm having a good time at college, and I would have had a good time if I went home.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Soccer Saturday
Today it was nice to sleep in. It was also nice to play some soccer. It was a tough decision, but I decided to stay at college for the three day weekend rather than going home. It would have been nice to go home and see the family, but there are some things going on this week I didn't want to miss. It was sort of a lose-lose situation, but I'll make the best of it.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Friday Cancelled
Today is finally Friday. It has felt like Friday for the past few days, but now that it is here, it doesn't really feel like Friday. I went to my 'early' class today. Around half of the class wasn't there. Eventually, we found out that the teacher had cancelled class the night before. She owes me two hours of sleep. Perhaps I will redeem it in class next time we have it.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
False Fridays
Today and yesterday have really felt like a Friday to me. I'm not sure exactly why, but it is not fun to realize I actually have classes the next day. Thankfully, tomorrow actually is Friday and it is a three day weekend. I'm looking forward to a much needed break from classes, especially after having so many tests lately.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monster Midterm 2
Today I quite literally had a Monster midterm. It was for the writing portion of the class. Not surprisingly, the test involved a lot of writing. I feel pretty good about the midterm, but will have to wait to see exactly how I did on it. I'm just glad to have midterm season over, although I have one major test early next week I need to start thinking about soon.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Free Fun
Today Denny's was having their free breakfast event. Originally, I thought it went from 2:00pm-6:00pm, which wouldn't really make much sense. Later, after I invited some people to go, I found out that it was from 6:00am to 2:00pm. So a group of us got up while it was still dark outside and went to Denny's. It was early, but it was fun and free. After breakfast, I was finally able to get my enhanced driver's license and also found time to study calculus all before I would normally be awake on a Tuesday.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Lost Monday
Today I had my midterm in political geography. I studied quite a bit yesterday, and while I didn't feel great about the test, I was just ready to take it and get it over with. Over half the points on the exam came from multiple choice questions. I am not a huge fan of multiple choice, especially when it seems the questions are designed to trick you. Every questions had none of the above as an answer, which seems like more of a cop out than an answer. There were 15 locations we had to identify on the world map, but the map was so small it was hard to clearly distinguish exactly where things were. Overall, I feel like I didn't do quite as well as I hoped on the test, but didn't feel like I did terribly either. Maybe I'll be surprised in a good way. I'm just glad to have it out of the way.
I have use of a car this week, so I tried for the second time to go to the department of licensing office to get my enhanced drivers license. I got lost on my way there and on my way back, even though I have been there before. I finally found the place but they are closed on Mondays.
I have use of a car this week, so I tried for the second time to go to the department of licensing office to get my enhanced drivers license. I got lost on my way there and on my way back, even though I have been there before. I finally found the place but they are closed on Mondays.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Super Bowled Over
Today was the day of the big game. Sadly, it was also the day of my big study session. I've been chipping away at the studying for my midterm tomorrow all week, but needed to do some serious work today. I was able to watch some of the game and have made good progress on the studying. However, I still have a ways, and majority of the the world countries I need to locate, to go.
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