Sunday, November 30, 2008
Western Return
Today I returned to Western. It was nice when I was at my real home, and I had a great time with my family. I already miss them, but thankfully I will be home soon for winter break. What I am not so thankful for is a class tomorrow morning at 9:00am.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Here and There
Today our family returned home. It was nice to have our entire family home for the first time in months. Now that I am used to being home again, I go back to school tomorrow. At least I only have two more weeks of class before winter break. Unfortunately, that means I need to start thinking about finals.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
Late last night, and very early this morning, I really didn't feel well. I think it was a combination of a lot of food and lack of water. Thankfully, I felt better this morning. As is tradition, we had our annual Turkey trot the morning after Thanksgiving. The jog, and sprint in the middle, was fun even if it was a bit painful.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Today our family went to Oregon to be with my dad's side of the family for Thanksgiving. It was a very nice meal and nice to be with family. I told myself I wasn't going to eat too much, and I didn't during the meal. But when dessert came around, I had to try a piece of everything. I am still feeling the ramifications of my dessert overindulgence.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Home Again
Today it was nice to be home, very nice. It almost felt like I hadn't even been gone. I took our dog for a walk to my dad's school. I enjoyed seeing his class again, they enjoyed seeing the dog. Our family went to Olympia, it was fun going to places I hadn't been for quite some time. I am really excited for Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Going Home
I am about to get a ride home. Pending something unforeseen happening, I will be back home with my family for the first time this quarter in a couple hours. I am excited.
Monday, November 24, 2008
bu5 st0p f0und
Today I had one 50 minute class, that was it. Being done with classes for that day at 10:00am, there was a lot of day left to do something fun and exciting. I chose to ride the bus to the mall which was not too much fun. Exciting doesn't quite describe the trip either.
I walked around random streets looking for a bus stop, but I couldn't find one. I saw a bus in the distance in the mall parking lot, and went sprinting through the parking lot after the bus. I never did catch up with it. Eventually, after circling the entire mall perimeter, I found a bus stop. I almost got on the wrong bus though.
Eventually, I got on a bus headed in the right direction. Overall, I spent two hours on the bus, an hour trying to find a bus, for a four hour total trip. Not exactly productive.
On a happier note, today is my 500th post. I thought it was several days ago, and had planned to post something special. Then I discovered some drafts I don't even remember creating and still had three more days until my 500th post. Now, I can't think of what special thing I was going to post, or if I had anything special to post at all.
I walked around random streets looking for a bus stop, but I couldn't find one. I saw a bus in the distance in the mall parking lot, and went sprinting through the parking lot after the bus. I never did catch up with it. Eventually, after circling the entire mall perimeter, I found a bus stop. I almost got on the wrong bus though.
Eventually, I got on a bus headed in the right direction. Overall, I spent two hours on the bus, an hour trying to find a bus, for a four hour total trip. Not exactly productive.
On a happier note, today is my 500th post. I thought it was several days ago, and had planned to post something special. Then I discovered some drafts I don't even remember creating and still had three more days until my 500th post. Now, I can't think of what special thing I was going to post, or if I had anything special to post at all.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Shutout Shootout
Today my team had a playoff game, if we won, we would be in the finals. Our team, in my biased opinion, was the better team. We had quite a few close scoring opportunities, but we didn't score. Neither did the other team. I almost scored once, I got past the goalie, but the ball went too far ahead of me and a defender got it.
It went in to a sudden death (golden goal) overtime. Neither team scored, so it went in to a shootout. After five rounds, the shootout was tied. It then went in to a sudden death shootout. It went back and forth, and eventually the other team won. It was disappointing, especially because I feel like we should have won our game, and could have won the championship against the next team.
It went in to a sudden death (golden goal) overtime. Neither team scored, so it went in to a shootout. After five rounds, the shootout was tied. It then went in to a sudden death shootout. It went back and forth, and eventually the other team won. It was disappointing, especially because I feel like we should have won our game, and could have won the championship against the next team.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Lost if Won
Today my soccer team had a playoff game. Quite a few of the players on my team are also on another team, and they had a game right before mine. I found myself rooting for the other team, even though it was against some of my teammates.
I wasn't trying to be mean, but if their team won it wouldn't have been good. That would have meant that the next game, assuming my team won as well, quite a few of the players would have been on both teams, and it would have not been good for either team.
It turns out, a major catastrophe was avoided because their team lost. Now, my team just had to win. I had a nice assist that led to the first goal of the game. The game went back and forth, but in the end my team was victorious 5-4. If we win our next game tomorrow, we will be in the championship.
I wasn't trying to be mean, but if their team won it wouldn't have been good. That would have meant that the next game, assuming my team won as well, quite a few of the players would have been on both teams, and it would have not been good for either team.
It turns out, a major catastrophe was avoided because their team lost. Now, my team just had to win. I had a nice assist that led to the first goal of the game. The game went back and forth, but in the end my team was victorious 5-4. If we win our next game tomorrow, we will be in the championship.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Today is Friday and I am glad. It was extremely windy today and this makes me glad as well. I battled the elements, and was victorious.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Lasting Laundry
Today I finally decided it was time to do laundry. I went up to the laundry room to see if the washer was in use, not surprisingly, it was. I returned later when the load should be done. Someone else was just putting their first of two loads in. I returned when two loads would have time to be done in time to see another person putting their load in.
When their load was done, I finally got mine in. But when I put my load in, the only two dryers were just starting. This meant I had to wait an extra 32 minutes to be able to put my clothes in the dryer even though they were done with the washer. Eventually, my clothes will be washed and dried. I am still waiting, and I first tried to put my clothes in over four and a half hours ago.
When their load was done, I finally got mine in. But when I put my load in, the only two dryers were just starting. This meant I had to wait an extra 32 minutes to be able to put my clothes in the dryer even though they were done with the washer. Eventually, my clothes will be washed and dried. I am still waiting, and I first tried to put my clothes in over four and a half hours ago.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Acrostically Awakened
Today I vaguely remember my alarm clock going off at the normal Wednesday time. What I don't remember is turning my alarm off, I think I thought I was hitting the snooze button. I somehow woke up 20 minutes later and was still able to make it to my class. I am really surprised that I only slept 20 extra minutes and voluntarily woke up in time to still get to class.
With some of my free time today I decided to do something I have wanted to do for the past couple days. The other day I tried drawing, today I tried poem writing. I believe it was the first time I ever decided to write poems by my own personal choice. The first poem I really struggled with creating, and only ended up happy with the title. Here is the second poem I wrote after winning a game of ping-pong that went in to decuple (10) overtime.
Battle of the Paddle
Players choose a side
Initiate game
Net is crossed by ball
Got to get it back
Points are scored
On and on it goes
Neither player wants to lose
Game Over
With some of my free time today I decided to do something I have wanted to do for the past couple days. The other day I tried drawing, today I tried poem writing. I believe it was the first time I ever decided to write poems by my own personal choice. The first poem I really struggled with creating, and only ended up happy with the title. Here is the second poem I wrote after winning a game of ping-pong that went in to decuple (10) overtime.
Battle of the Paddle
Players choose a side
Initiate game
Net is crossed by ball
Got to get it back
Points are scored
On and on it goes
Neither player wants to lose
Game Over
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The past few days, I have been trying to figure out my schedule for next quarter. It is a slow, difficult, and tediously mind numbing process. There are classes I should take, but don't really want to. There are classes I want to take, but can't for various reasons. The classes I do choose also can't conflict time wise. Thankfully, I have a few more days to hopefully find the perfect schedule if such a thing really exists.
Monday, November 17, 2008

I was happy with how it was turning out, that is until I finished her. I got in a bit of a hurry to go to dinner, and the last part didn't turn out. Lady Liberty was rather short and the proportions were off. I erased her lower half, and was happy with how it turned out.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Game On and Off
Today my soccer team had our first playoff game. We won 2-0. People on my team said our next game was tonight at 7:00pm. I didn't think we had another game in the same day, but I thought maybe they knew something I didn't. I showed up at 7:00pm, and was the only person from my team there. Turns out, we didn't have a game at 7:00pm. At least we won our game today and do play another game eventually.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Today I wanted to do something productive with the day. I decided to ride the bus to Fred Meyer and return something I had bought that I didn't use. It took almost 60 minutes to get there. I was there for 30 minutes, and then 45 minutes to return. It took over two hours to get to a store and back. I did get the thing I wanted returned, but I exchanged it for something else, only making two pennies in the process.
I then thought since I had spent so much time already today on the bus, I might as well spend some more time on the bus. I rode the bus to another store where my bank is located to deposit some money, but they were having technical difficulties. So my productive Saturday really wasn't very productive, but a majority of it was spent on a bus.
I then thought since I had spent so much time already today on the bus, I might as well spend some more time on the bus. I rode the bus to another store where my bank is located to deposit some money, but they were having technical difficulties. So my productive Saturday really wasn't very productive, but a majority of it was spent on a bus.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Time Troubles
Last night when I went to bed, I finally decided to set my clock back an hour so it would be showing the correct time. I didn't change my clock after fall back. I was worried I would not be thinking when I set my alarm, and either wake up an hour early or late if I left it at an hour ahead of time.
While I did set my clock to the correct time last night, I forgot to set my alarm. It didn't go off this morning. Thankfully, I woke up 10 minutes later than my alarm would have gone off, and I was able to make it to class on time.
While I did set my clock to the correct time last night, I forgot to set my alarm. It didn't go off this morning. Thankfully, I woke up 10 minutes later than my alarm would have gone off, and I was able to make it to class on time.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Break Halted
Today I didn't have class until noon, and the class at noon was my only class of the day. The class is two hours long. Sometimes, the class can be interesting, but after two hours of lecture, I am more than ready for the class to be over.
The professor used to give us a five minute break after the first hour was over, notice I said used to. The five minute break I would look forward to for the first hour no longer exists because we have so much to cover. The lecture pace and amount covered has increased drastically. I was taking notes at such a furious pace today during his two hour nonstop lecture that my hand hurt after class.
The professor used to give us a five minute break after the first hour was over, notice I said used to. The five minute break I would look forward to for the first hour no longer exists because we have so much to cover. The lecture pace and amount covered has increased drastically. I was taking notes at such a furious pace today during his two hour nonstop lecture that my hand hurt after class.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Walk Around
Today I went for a nice stroll. It wasn't raining out, and it was pleasant to walk around the campus. I was also talking to my family on the phone as I wandered around somewhat aimlessly.
I decided to be adventurous and walk off campus, to places I had never been before. I was walking for a ways and then I saw a big building with flags by it. I wondered why I had never seen this magnificent building before.
As I got closer, I finally figured out that I had walked in a big circle and was back where I had started. I had never really left campus like I thought. The building was one I walk by daily, and the flags were the ones they raised for the first time today. I had never approached the building from the side. Hopefully, on my next walk I will truly find something new and actually leave campus.
I decided to be adventurous and walk off campus, to places I had never been before. I was walking for a ways and then I saw a big building with flags by it. I wondered why I had never seen this magnificent building before.
As I got closer, I finally figured out that I had walked in a big circle and was back where I had started. I had never really left campus like I thought. The building was one I walk by daily, and the flags were the ones they raised for the first time today. I had never approached the building from the side. Hopefully, on my next walk I will truly find something new and actually leave campus.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Cleaned House
Today I cleaned 'the room'. It was in need of a clean for quite some time, and today was the day. Not only did I organize my clothes and desk, I took out the garbage, recycling and swept. After two hours of cleaning, it looks a lot better. Hopefully, it stays this way for quite some time.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sleep or Study
Today I only had 50 minutes of class. It was my philosophy class at 9:00am in the morning. I must admit, I was really tempted to skip class and sleep in. Though I was tempted, I decided to go. I wish I could say it was important that I went, but it really wasn't.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Soccer Matched
Today my co-ed soccer team had our last game. It was also our first game on the grass instead of on the artificial turf. Our team was undefeated going in to our last game, but so was the team we were facing.
Our team was outnumbered, as we had 8 eligible players and they had 10. This was because a few of the women on our team were gone, and there must be an equal balance of men and women on the field at a time. Our team went up 1-0, but being outnumbered, we ended up losing 2-1. We played well this season, and I think we will make the playoffs.
Our team was outnumbered, as we had 8 eligible players and they had 10. This was because a few of the women on our team were gone, and there must be an equal balance of men and women on the field at a time. Our team went up 1-0, but being outnumbered, we ended up losing 2-1. We played well this season, and I think we will make the playoffs.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Along for the Ride
I had it all planned out to go home for the weekend. I don't have classes on Tuesday, and my main Monday class was cancelled. I could leave Friday, and be with my family until Tuesday. It would have worked out great, except that my family went down to Oregon to visit my brother during his college's family weekend, so nobody would be home. It is disappointing not to be able to visit my family.
But tonight, I was able to "be with them" using Skype. It was fun, yet slightly bizarre, to see my family and cousins my family are staying with. It was probably more weird for them carrying me around on their laptop. I almost got dizzy when the spun me around on the lazy susan. While it is too bad I didn't get to be with my family literally this weekend, it was nice to get to be with them through Skype. And thankfully Thanksgiving is coming up soon so I can actually see my family and relatives face to face.
But tonight, I was able to "be with them" using Skype. It was fun, yet slightly bizarre, to see my family and cousins my family are staying with. It was probably more weird for them carrying me around on their laptop. I almost got dizzy when the spun me around on the lazy susan. While it is too bad I didn't get to be with my family literally this weekend, it was nice to get to be with them through Skype. And thankfully Thanksgiving is coming up soon so I can actually see my family and relatives face to face.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Still Here
Off to play a game of Risk, and I don't know if I will be back before midnight. Therefore, I may or may not revise this post when I return. Stay tuned...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Rain Again
Today it rained. This is not unusual this time of year, especially in the Pacific Northwest, but it hasn't rained that much since I got to college. Rain it did, it was also windy. I think more days ahead are going to be wet and windy like today.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Walking Awakening
Today I went for a walk around campus. It was nice to go for a stroll with no destination or time restraint holding me down. I would like to go on more of these expeditions around campus, but it is doubtful these will continue once the weather starts to get worse.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Free at Last
Today I had my last midterm. All morning/early afternoon before the test, I was studying (sort of) and worrying about the test. I thought this would be the hardest one of the bunch. When I finally got the test, I actually sort of enjoyed it. Not just because it was my last one, but for some bizarre reason I can't explain, I just enjoyed taking this test. I got a bit carried away on my last essay, and ran out of time towards the end, but overall I feel like things went well.
I had big plans for how I was going to celebrate freedom from midterms day, but they were wrecked by it taking literally three hours to get my laundry going and done. I guess freedom from midterms day can be celebrated tomorrow. I also voted today. Overall, it was a busy, productive, and enjoyable day.
I had big plans for how I was going to celebrate freedom from midterms day, but they were wrecked by it taking literally three hours to get my laundry going and done. I guess freedom from midterms day can be celebrated tomorrow. I also voted today. Overall, it was a busy, productive, and enjoyable day.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Fall Back
Today another weekend came to an end. So too is my time left to study for my last midterm. After 3:50pm tomorrow, I will finally be free of midterms. I am not sure quite how I will celebrate freedom from midterms day, but a trip to the hot tub probably is in store.
Today was also fall back, one of the more glorious days of the year. It has to be in the top 7 best 'holidays' of the year. That "extra" hour of sleep sure feels good. I can't wait. In fact, I am going to bed right now just to enjoy fall back.
Today was also fall back, one of the more glorious days of the year. It has to be in the top 7 best 'holidays' of the year. That "extra" hour of sleep sure feels good. I can't wait. In fact, I am going to bed right now just to enjoy fall back.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
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